One of the more memorable scenes in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is the fight between Brad Pitt’s stuntman Cliff Booth and Bruce Lee, as played by Mike Moh. It led to a back and forth between writer and director Quentin Tarantino and Lee’s daughter, Shannon, who had problems with the “arrogant” represenation. “I understand they want to make the Brad Pitt character this super bad-ass who could beat up Bruce Lee. But they didn’t need to treat him in the way that white Hollywood did when he was alive,” she said.
Tarantino understood her objections — everyone else can “go suck a d*ck,” he told Joe Rogan — but Lee is still confused about the way her father was depicted. “I don’t know what his issues are with my father,” she told the Telegraph. “Clearly, he thinks my father is cool, because he has borrowed from him quite a bit. But at the same time, I think he has been told a lot of stories by people who have encountered my father and had a negative reaction.”
Lee continued:
“They found him to be overly confident or arrogant. I have to say, in my experience, the stories are mostly from white men. I think Quentin may have been told a lot of those stories and believes them. I think a lot of people looked at my father as uppity, you know?”
Lee spoke to the press to promote In My Own Process, a new book containing photographs, film stills, journals, drawings, teachings and writings from her dad. You can order it here.
(Via the Telegraph)