Some kids are natural born leaders, and one adorable flower girl is a prime example.
A video created by the Lomelino Family and shared by weddingz.in on Instagram shows a little girl in a fancy red dress talking to her dad about the wedding in which she’s to be a flower girl. Clearly, she has done her homework and put a lot of thought into how her role is supposed to go—as well as anticipated where it might go awry.
For instance, she tells her dad he can’t call her name when she’s walking down the aisle. Obviously, Dad’s got a reputation. And when he asks if he can call out, “Princess!” instead, she full-on womansplains weddings to him, complete with a classic patient-but-exasperated brushing bangs away from her face move.
For real, this kid will be running a company someday. Watch:
But that video is only a highlight reel. The original video shared by the Lomelino Family on YouTube in 2015 includes a bit more footage, including the little cherub telling her father he doesn’t understand weddings. At all. Watch:
The comments sum up her precociousness perfectly:
“Baby girl is going to be a CEO. I know leadership skills when I see them!“
“Her saying ‘Dad’ with her hand mannerism around her face looks like she mimicking her mom while correcting her Dad! 😂😂😂 This will never get old. Bless her heart!“
“’Dad, we’re professionals and we will be walking down the aisle doing professional things.’”
“I love her boardroom explaining hand gestures! 😂😂😂 She is trying to sell her idea to dad, who lacks the veteran flower girl experience of this little cutie 🤣🤣🤣 Her patience is humbling ❤️❤️❤️🤗”
The little girl is now a high schooler, and unsurprisingly, she says she’s “interested in business stuff.” Get it, girl. You were clearly born for it.