How sure was Mike Pence that he could win over a party dominated by someone whose supporters wanted him dead? Perhaps we’ll never know. But on Saturday, after nearly five months on the trail, the former veep announced he was suspending his 2024 presidential campaign. And people weren’t exactly sad to see him go.
Pence: I have decided to suspend my campaign for president, effective today pic.twitter.com/RGncQnqngh
— Acyn (@Acyn) October 28, 2023
“I came here to say it’s become clear to me this is not my time,” Pence told the crowd at the annual Republican Jewish Coalition convention in Las Vegas. “I have no regrets. The only thing that would have been harder than coming up short would have been if we never tried at all.”
There have been two kinds of Republican presidential candidates this season: ones critical of former president Donald Trump, hoping to bring the GOP back to its foundations, and ones who were probably just trying to be Trump’s vice president. Pence was of the former, although his attacks on his former top dog were never as blistering as they should have been, especially considering Trump defended those who wanted his VP hanged.
But now it’s over. Some of his fellow Republicans (not Trump) had nice things to say about Pence. Ron DeSantis called him a “principled man of faith.” Meanwhile Nikki Haley described him as a “good man of faith.”
Others on social media weren’t surprised that Pence ultimately caved, especially considering Trump is clobbering all the competition.
It turns out the “hang Mike Pence” party isn’t sweet on Mike Pence
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 28, 2023
mike pence realizes the people who tried to murder him a few yrs ago arent inclined to support his candidacy for president https://t.co/6AEGaqmGSk
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) October 28, 2023
There were lots of jokes.
“The Lord has called on me to be President.”
–Mike Pence, June 7, 2023
“Apparently, the Lord was punking me.”
–Mike Pence, October 28, 2023
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) October 28, 2023
Liza Minnelli has outlived Mike Pence’s presidential campaign. The former Vice President has dropped out of the race.
— LizaMinnelliOutlives (@LiZaOutlives) October 28, 2023
So Pence isn’t running anymore… pic.twitter.com/PMQp1YHnqt
— Tarquin
(@Tarquin_Helmet) October 28, 2023
Just when Pence was starting to get some momentum too. pic.twitter.com/HyHZnEYu2M
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) October 28, 2023
Me finding out Mike Pence won’t be president https://t.co/VCItECZTvE pic.twitter.com/0bkBHq2Imw
— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) October 28, 2023
Few of those jokes, however, were as gutting as this one:
Mike Pence should be forced to carry his Presidential campaign to term. pic.twitter.com/Hvel5FUzsn
— Melanie D’Arrigo (@DarrigoMelanie) October 28, 2023
While some Republicans mourned Pence’s aborted campaign, others did not.
Saying goodbye to Mike pence political career pic.twitter.com/f3MpvmzW30
— 2RawTooReal (@2RawTooReal) October 28, 2023
Great news: Mike Pence just announced that he will drop out of the 2024 Republican presidential primary race, ending his lifelong dream of becoming President. It’s only a few months too late but we’ll take it. Oh, joy!
— Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) October 28, 2023
No tears for Mike Pence. He spent 7 years helping the monster grow big & strong, and then the monster ate him. https://t.co/tvAcEuubLA
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 28, 2023
Before we even get there, Mike Pence is not a martyr, and don’t describe him as one because he had a brief moment of clarity that any reasonable adult in public service would have had, too.
He helped build the Republican Party we see now and directly enabled it all along.
— Charlotte Clymer
(@cmclymer) October 28, 2023
But at least by running a doomed presidential campaign, Pence made sure we all got a surreal ad in which he pretends to pump gas.
(Via NBC News)