John Oliver revealed his Kryptonite during Sunday’s episode of Last Week Tonight, and surprisingly, it’s the visage of another late night host. In this case, Conan O’Brien.
During a segment on controversial Argentinian politician Javier Milei, Oliver was absolutely tickled by a recent viral clip where the Member of the Chamber of Deputies just lost his train of thought after seeing a photo of his own dog, who’s also named Conan. Milei’s mind just completely stopped worked at the sight of his pup.
Via Deadline:
“There’s Conan,” Milei said, ignoring the interviewer for a moment.
“Yes, it’s Conan,” the interviewer said.
“It’s Conan,” Milei continued with a smile on his face completely derailing the interview.
Oliver said that Milei made himself “likable” in that moment adding, “He just got distracted by his own dog the way dogs get distracted by any squirrel.”
Oliver then revealed that he as a similar Conan problem.
“It’s honestly hard for me to criticize that because that’s also how I respond if I ever see a picture of — oh it’s Conan,” Oliver said as his face lit up at the sight of the iconic late night host. Like Milei, he couldn’t stop being distracted by photos of Conan that continue to pop up on the screen until, finally, one of the photos came to life and told Oliver to knock it off.
“Quit staring at me John,” Conan said. “I’m not a piece of meat.”
Oliver apologized and then returned to his usual cadence of delivering dry British wit while eviscerating the night’s topic.
(Via Deadline)