After spending some time as a columnist for the Daily Mail, professional John McCain daughter and political commentator Meghan McCain has entered the world of podcasting. However, podcasting involves a constant need for content, so McCain went back to an always reliable well: Her time on The View.
After giving birth to her daughter, McCain returned from paternity leave in 2021 only to announce she’d be exiting the talk show after just a few months. This led to McCain spending the last two years going back and forth between not wanting to talk about The View to, well, talking about The View.
Despite saying just this summer that she’s “at peace” with her time on the show (while calling her former co-workers “crazy”), McCain brought up her old stomping grounds during the latest episode Meghan McCain Has Entered the Chat. With CNN’s Brian Stelter as her guest, McCain proceeded to rant about why she had to quit The View immediately.
“For me, being on The View and being around so many people who’ve been on TV daily, for decades, I was like, I cannot live my life on camera like this anymore, because it’s bad for me. It’s bad for me emotionally,” McCain said via Entertainment Weekly. “I just felt like I could not be the kind of mother, wife, and commentator I wanted to be in that kind of a chaotic environment. I didn’t want to be the type of person that couldn’t live without being on TV every day — and I, too, questioned, when I left, if I could live without it, and then I was just so happy that I didn’t have to wear makeup every day.”
McCain then likened her experience to The Devil Wears Prada.
“Working on The View is a big job, people watch it, but for me, it was like in The Devil Wears Prada where it’s like, ‘a million girls want this job,’” McCain said. “What I thought I wanted was the most miserable I was in my entire life.”
She also equated her exit with a “bomb going off” and “very dramatic,” which her co-stars would probably agree with. After she left, Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t help but notice how much “calmer” the show became with McCain no longer at the table.
“Nobody wants to be that tired every day. We’ve always had disagreements and stuff, but this one was a little bit different,” Goldberg said about McCain’s time on The View while appearing at the 2022 New York Film Festival. “I think [the show], it’s better. I feel it’s better, but I’m still tired!”
(Via Entertainment Weekly)