Being a new mom can be a scary time because everything is new to you and your baby. But when you’re nursing it can be a lonely time as well since so many times it can be physically isolating, especially if you’re not comfortable nursing in front of others. Sometimes the need to find a private place to nurse is because your baby is easily distracted.
This can make any mom feel alone in her struggle but in Pittsburgh International Airport, moms are pitching in to remind others that they’re part of a larger community. Jenna Dillulio is a mom of a toddler who also happens to have anxiety around flying who was flying solo with her toddler daughter to Pittsburgh.
While on her way home from her trip, she stopped in the nursing lounge to nurse her toddler before their flight and noticed something that brought her to tears.
Hundreds of sticky notes lined the walls of the nursing lounge. They were all from mother’s who had sat in that very room to nurse their own babies leaving sweet encouraging messages to other moms that may need a boost. Dillulio happened to be one of those moms and the messages came just when she needed them the most.
“Immediately when I opened up the door, I just was overcome with emotion. It was my first time traveling with her, so to walk in there and then to need the support and then you get it without expecting it, it warmed my heart to see all those post-its,” Dillulio tells Good Morning America.
Before catching her flight, the mom stopped to write her own encouraging note for another overwhelmed mom to find. The entire practice is beautiful in a place people least expect it. Watch the entire thing below.