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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Attempt To Slam Her ‘Feckless’ Enemies Only Led To An Epic Self-Own

Marjorie Taylor Greene used to save her ire for Democrats, but lately she’s found a new enemy: fellow Republicans. The MAGA lawmaker turned on Lauren Boebert a while ago. Now she’s steamed at all the House Republicans who voted against censuring Democrat Rashida Tlaib — so steamed that her tweet slamming them backfired spectacularly.

In a tweet that should have probably been a bit more clear, Greene accused someone — House Republicans, no doubt — of being “feckless.” Her post read, simply, “In case anyone doesn’t know what feckless means,” with a screengrab of her Googling the term’s definition, namely, “lacking initiative or strength of character.” Included in the image were two synonyms: “useless” and “worthless.”

Alas, in part because she didn’t identify who she was accusing of being feckless, it made it easier for others to accuse her of being useless and worthless.

Others used the occasion to offer her other dictionary terms one could say applies to her.

Greene had introduced a resolution censuring Tlaib over her comments saying that by backing Israel’s war on Gaza he was “supporting the genocide of the Palestinian people.” By doing so, Greene claimed, Tlaib was engaging in “antisemitic activity,” despite her own history of trivializing the Holocaust, to say nothing of “Jewish space lasers.” Unfortunately for Greene, 23 Republicans sided with Democrats to shelve the resolution. On Saturday Greene pledged to reintroduce the measure.

(Via HuffPost)