Many iconic bits play out in this little-known show called The Simpsons, and it would take about 752 episodes to explain them all. Some of them are even “predicting” things that “haven’t happened” yet but that’s for a different time. Back when the show was still in its teen years, there was a frequent joke that involved Homer literally strangling his son Bart. And that’s…the joke. Comedy can be so easy.
But maybe you’ve noticed that America’s favorite sitcom father has not been strangling his ten-year-old child as of late and began to wonder why that is. Good for you, looking out for Bart.
In a recent episode of The Simpsons, Homer mentions that he doesn’t “do that anymore” in regards to strangling his prepubescent son because “times have changed.” And even though he only just mentioned it in season 35, Homer has been laying off the abuse for years now! So you can rest easy.
I just found out that, after over 30 years, The Simpsons has finally retired their long-running gag of Homer strangling Bart.
Took them long enough lmao pic.twitter.com/JuHyNu1eiK
— Simon A. (Baby Lamb Creations) (@BabyLamb5) November 2, 2023
The last time Homer did this little strangling stunt was in season 31 (2019-2020) so maybe the state of the world taught the man to be a little kinder. Or maybe he just lost his upper arm strength. Who really knows, but the topic has been breached before. In a season 22 episodes (from 2011 because this show is never going to end) Homer learns how to parent without getting violent. It only took him another decade to implement it, but, hey, that’s better than whatever is going on over there on Family Guy.
(Via IGN)