How do you actually know if you’re happy?
Happiness is, to some extent, a choice, but it’s certainly not without its indicators. Do you revel in other people’s success? Are you able to truly not sweat the small stuff? Can you maintain healthy relationships? Do you know how to regulate your emotions? Is it possible for you to live in the moment and appreciate the little things? These could all be signs that your disposition is actually a bit sunnier than you give it credit for.
But still, in our busy, imperfect world, it can be a challenge to realize the joy held within ourselves. That’s why every week, Upworthy gives you a carefully curated list of small, simple things that might help you access that spark of inner joy—so that you may be reminded that happiness isn’t so very far away.
Enjoy this week’s round-up.
1. Watch this adorable little girl help regulate mommy’s emotions with some sunglasses and kind words
Clearly she’s a natural born therapist. Then again, most kids have such a high emotional intelligence, don’t they?
2. Anthony Hopkins dancing the rumba on a Sunday morning is such a vibe
@anthonyhopkins Hey goomba do you like how I dance the rumba…? Sunday vibe 🍕🍝
Who cares if he’s cooking someone’s liver with some fava beans? This is so so wholesome.
3. Poor pups’ reaction to getting a turnip instead of cheese is priceless
@thatrezteacher Pure disappointment!! 😂😂😂 #thanksgivingvibes ♬ original sound – That Rez Teacher
Turnips < Cheese. Always.
4. Prepare to get blown away by a heartfelt country ballad version of Cher’s “Believe”
Just when you think you can’t be surprised by songs covers, another amazing revamp comes along. And Alexa Wildish completely delivered that for her performance on a recent episode of “The Voice Knockouts.”
5. Kenyans create ‘special holiday’ to plant trees which could significantly fight climate change
Planted…. pic.twitter.com/XV22aHgHe2
— Ahmednasir Abdullahi SC (@ahmednasirlaw) November 13, 2023
Imagine what could happen if every country in the world implemented this idea.
6. May we all get excited for something in life the way this little girl gets excited for the “Jelly Roll” song
@theapplegoddess90 This little girll my daughter is becoming famous over this video! First 99.5 WKDQ used it on their site now global from London and eyewitness news is using it as well! #needafavorjellyroll #jellyrollneedafavor #jellyroll #jellyrollofficial #bunniexo #eyewitnessnews25evansville #WKDQ ♬ original sound – Tiffany Nicole Appell
That’s right. Feet kicking, glee shrieking, mouth agape excited.
7. Teens continue on with sweet breakfast tradition for a grandmother who lost her grandson
Sam Crow began a Wednesday tradition of having his friends over for his Grandma Peggy’s delicious breakfast. After Sam’s tragic passing, the “breakfast club” was determined to keep his memory alive. read the full story here.
8. Man creates a world in virtual reality to spend time with his dog who passed away too soon
I made a 3D scan of my dog Sam a couple of years ago. She passed away 7 month ago, I still miss her a lot. I still visit her in this beach scene I made in @UnrealEngine in VR because our last trip was supossed to be a little vacation in a beach, but her health didnt let us go. pic.twitter.com/5hQ1Ob9wCm
— Daniel.exe (@Wolkwhisky) October 31, 2023
Okay, this one is admittedly more of a tearjerker than our usual fare. But what a beautiful story, and great idea for grieving pet owners.
9.Woman shares the sweetest reunion with her favorite college dining hall worker after she switched jobs
Who doesn’t like a good reunion?
10. Everyone is in love with Duck, the kitten with only two legs who walks around like a T-Rex
Cody, Duck’s owner, fell in love with her instantly, and has an entire Instagram dedicated to her shenanigans aptly title Purrasic Duck.
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