In a matter of clearly grave national importance, there’s been a lot of focus on Jon Hamm sporting nipple rings for his Trump-loving sheriff in Fargo Season 5. The actor reportedly went so far as to work with a “nippleologist,” which is apparently a real thing and a sign of Hamm’s dedication to his craft.
However, Fargo fans were greeted with more than just painstakingly accurate nipple rings during the two part Season 5 premiere. During a pivotal scene where the FBI is questioning Hamm’s Sheriff Roy Tillman about his discretionary application of the law, the character emerges from a hot tub giving everyone a full-on view of Hamm’s backside.

We are happy to report that what you saw in the premiere was the real deal. Fargo creator Noah Hawley confirmed to Vanity Fair that those cheeks are 100% Hamm:
That’s all Jon. Don’t forget the nipple rings! Tillman is deeply invested in religious traditions but also wears nipple rings. It’s Tiger King America, which manages to mix conservative and what would be called liberal values in a way that is fascinating. It was really great to explore that with Jon’s character, because he’s not your father’s Christian lawman. It’s a more unexpected, more unfamiliar guy who is basically saying, I am the law. That’s what we saw with our previous president—whatever he was, that’s what the law was. And there’s a sort of unsettling carnality to Jon’s character, you know, where he wants the moral high ground but he’s also got a sex trunk. So where does the line get drawn, and who gets to draw it? That really is the thing.
The two-part Fargo Season 5 premiere in all it’s Hamm-butt glory is available for streaming on Hulu.
(Via Vanity Fair)