The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame 2023 induction ceremony is being held in Brooklyn tonight, November 3. However, hours before, Kate Bush revealed that she would not be attending through a statement on her website, despite her inclusion on this year’s inductee class.
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend the ceremony tonight, but for me the real honour is knowing that you felt I deserved it,” Bush wrote. “The RRHOF has welcomed me into the most extraordinary rostrum of overwhelming talent.”
Later in the statement, she expressed her love for Elton John as a musical inspiration. Bush also went on to congratulate John’s songwriting partner, Bernie Taupin, for being recognized tonight.
“I poured over his music, longed to be able to play piano like him and longed to write songs that could move people in the way his work moved me,” she shared. “That little girl in South East London could never have dreamed she’d be sharing the event tonight with Bernie Taupin, Elton’s writing partner, an incredible lyricist who inspired me to keep writing songs – to keep trying. Congratulations Bernie! Congratulations to everyone who is being inducted tonight!”
Tonight (November 3), Olivia Rodrigo took the stage at Barclays Center in Brooklyn to perform at the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame’s induction ceremony for 2023. Rodrigo appeared alongside Sheryl Crow, as the two covered “If It Makes You Happy.” (Crow is one of the inductees for this year.)
Rodrigo and Crow both have guitars, as they are backed by a full band. “You know, I still get stoned,” Crow sings, jokingly putting a bit more emphasis on the last word, as the audience cheers. Rodrigo also tackled some of the lines by herself — showing off her vocal talent on a different type of song.
By the chorus, both of them are jamming out together, giving off pure carefree energy.
Earlier this week, it had been hinted that Rodrigo would be performing at the ceremony alongside “one of her heroes,” before a chairman, John Sykes, confirmed to The New York Times that it would be Crow. (Last year, Rodrigo got to perform “You’re So Vain” with Carly Simon.)
As hard as I try, I may never be the #1 best travel writer on the planet. I may not evoke entire worlds with my precise selection of verbs like Paul Theroux. I’m certainly not completing complex ethnographies like Bruce Chatwin. Or walking a thousand miles on the Pacific Crest Trail as a means of learning life lessons like Cheryl Strayed.
But when it comes to evaluating a hotel based on sexiness? Well, I have this industry on lock. I mean, who else starts a hotel review series and makes it mandatory to rate the “Sexiness Factor”?
But what actually makes a hotel sexy? What delivers the perfect balance of raw allure and titillating, “anything might happen”-type energy? Not surprisingly, I have some thoughts on this, which I’ve detailed below:
It’s got to be so clean that you can’t even faintly conceive of the distant possibility that a non-flosser or someone with fungus-ridden toenails ever trod the same halls or slept in the same bed as you.
I mean, it’s gotta beso clean.
Like it was made yesterday.
And yet… it has to feel a tad chaotic. Reminding you of the most fun person at the party who also veers dangerously close to going off the rails — in hotel form.
The design should be modern and stylish and simple. Same with the amenities. Antiques are rarely sexy.
It should have a bar that cool people like to visit, even if they aren’t staying.
Plus it’s got to have a great restaurant.
And an even better pool.
Boom. 10 rules for the sexiest hotel on earth. And in my role as Uproxx’s travel editor, I already knew Mondrian Los Angeles was nailing all of those ten aspects. I mean the rooms are clean and modern and crisp:
Mondrian Los Angeles
This is a property that knows what it’s doing. You don’t hang a ring light over every bed by accident — that’s a very precise choice. Do they also have one of those coy showers where you can treat the shower like a performance art space or draw a gauzy curtain closed to keep a bit of mystery?
You’d better believe it.
Mondrian Los Angeles
Plus it’s got an in-house restaurant, Casa Madera, that has a superb cocktail program, an adjoining bar, and a menu full of oysters and raw fish (crudo is the sexiest food, period). It’s a see-and-be-seen spot, which is sort of fun, on special occasions. And the beautiful people are surrounded by austere vases filled with pampas grass, which is the sexiest of all grasses.
It’s got its own hotel drinks space, Skybar, where they create a fun indoor-outdoor tropical vibe.
Mondrian Los Angeles
And an amazing pool that has 0.00 children in it.
Steve Bramucci
Okay, so the table is set. Pretty sexy hotel, agreed?
Now here’s the crazy, spike-the-football-in-the-endzone coup de grâce:
Between now and December 3oth the property is running a collaboration with a literal lingerie brand (Savage X Fenty), owned by a woman who is almost unarguably one of the most beautiful/ most talented humans alive (Rihanna) and is partnered with a man whose features look like what would happen if you had a Genie in a bottle and said “Genie, do me a favor real quick and make me look the most handsome. Just like… more handsome than anyone else. Ever. Thanks!” (A$AP Rocky).
Here are the details of the package:
Suite at Mondrian Los Angeles – Deluxe Studio Suite and above.
A bottle of champagne.
Two (2) Savage X Fenty CLF Satin Robes with Lightning Bolt (for women) or Savage X Smoking Jacket (for men), one for each guest.
Two (2) Mondrian sleep masks per room.
Reader, I have stayed in the room. I have worn the robe (yes, I got the robe not the smoking jacket — yes, I wear the hell out of that silky thing). I have eaten at the restaurant. I have spent a day drinking and lounging and swimming in the pool. I have smirked wickedly at the fact that the eyemasks are called “sleep masks.” I have held the property to a very high standard while looking through the prism of what is sexy. I have even taken a few photos you won’t see with my lady in the ring light mirrors.
And I’m here to tell you… Right now, in November of 2023, Mondrian Los Angeles’s Savage X Fenty Fall Package is the sexiest hotel in Hollywood. Which is one of the most sexy places on earth. Meaning it’s little more than a bathtub, hot tub, and sauna away from the sexiest hotel room on the planet.
And all for roughly $400 all in, plus a few drinks. That’s not cheap but it’s absolutely a great value — which may not be the sexiest point to finish on, but it’s nice all the same.
The Mondrian Los Angeles x Savage X Fenty Fall Hotel Package is available until December 30, 2023. Rates start at $319 per night.
Lana Del Rey has paid tribute to Priscilla Presley quite a bit throughout her career. So, when Sofia Coppola’s new movie, Priscilla, hit theaters recently, fans were left wondering why she hadn’t been included on the soundtrack. As it turns out, in a new interview with E! News, Coppola did consider Del Rey to make a song for the film.
Coppola shared that she “got a lot of requests about how [Del Rey] could be part of the movie” and that “people really connect Lana Del Rey with Priscilla.”
However, things didn’t quite work out with the scheduling and timing of it all.
During the interview, Coppola also shared that she still extended an invitation to Del Rey to attend the Priscilla premiere. “I don’t think she can come, but I’m excited for her to see it,” she added.
Once fans found out the news that Del Rey very well could’ve done another Elvis-themed song, especially for a Sofia Coppola movie, they took to the internet to express their sadness.
“Lana could’ve won an oscar for an original song from Priscilla but she wanna work shifts at Waffle House…” one fan tweeted.
lana could’ve won an oscar for an original song from Priscilla but she wanna work shifts at waffle house…
Continue scrolling to view some additional fan reactions to the Lana Del Rey news.
A loss for the culture Lana Del Rey was asked TWICE to make a song for the film “Priscilla” but due to Lana’s timing issues, she was unable to. (: lanadelreyinfo)
It’s a little hard to determine whether there is a trend in Americans relocating to other countries. Still, approximate figures show that the number of U.S. citizens living abroad has just about doubled since 1999, with the number jumping from 4.1 million to 8 million.
In a recent article for Business Insider, Brooke Black shared that she and her family relocated to Denmark in 2020 and one of the biggest reasons they have decided to stay is that it feels much safer. Black has a husband and two young daughters.
“Overall, Denmark is a safe place, and Danes value trust,” she wrote. “Crime is rare — I rarely see police cars — and gun control is strict. We feel very safe here, which was a major factor in choosing to stay in Denmark.” When you crunch the numbers, Denmark is much safer than the United States. According to Nationmaster, America has 7 times more guns, 6 times more homicides and 4 times more rapes.
Back in 2020, shortly after Black had her second child during the pandemic. Her family decided to leave Los Angeles for two weeks because it was a COVID-19 hotspot and spend two weeks in Denmark with her husband’s family. What started as a 2-week trip became permanent.
Black finds it is much easier to take care of young children in Denmark because of its shorter work weeks. “Because the Danish workweek is 37 hours, most parents pick up their kids by 4 pm at the latest on most weekdays and even earlier on Fridays,” she wrote for Business Insider. “I work for a Danish company and can easily leave in time for pickup. In LA, I would rush across town to get my kid at 5:30 pm, leaving just enough time for a bath and bedtime. I cherish the time I get with my kids now.”
“I’m very grateful for that because that time isn’t coming back,” she wrote on LinkedIn.
Black works for Podimo, an app that publishes over 1,000 exclusive podcasts and 70,000 audiobook titles.
Black isn’t the only American who has found a safer home living in Europe. Earlier this year, Upworthy shared the story of Luna Ashley Santel, her husband and young daughter, who left St. Louis, Missouri for Spain.
Here’s what shifted for him. I’m sure this’ll piss the right people off. No pun intended. #movingabroad #spaindigitalnomadvisa #movingabroadwithpets #movingtospainwithkids
After relocating to Spain, they realized that they had been carrying an invisible mental load while living in America. One day, while sitting in a busy cafè, which would have made them nervous in St. Louis, the couple realized that none of the people milling about had guns.
At this moment, Santel’s husband realized that living in America caused him to be on alert whenever he was out in public. A feeling he never got in Spain. “And I realized this weight that I had been carrying around my whole life wasn’t necessary. Like what we think is normal is not normal,” he said.
Like virtually any aspect of parenting, co-sleeping, aka bed sharing, can be a bit of a controversial topic.
Sleeping together as a singular family unit is a much older practice, dating as far back as the Medieval Era—when sleeping separately was both unsafe and unattainable for most.
Today, it is generally recommended to have children sleeping on their own by the age of five, although plenty of parents will still share a bed with their 12 to 13-year-olds from time to time. In other words, there are no hard and fast rules—though many have strong opinions.
And while it certainly isn’t mainstream anymore, some families opt for the more classic sleeping approach.
In a video posted to TikTok, Brandon Deal and his 12-year-old daughter, McKenzi, show their unconventional sleeping layout.
“When people find out that we’re a co-sleeping family, they think we all pile up on one bed. That is not the case,” Brandon says, explaining that he, his wife Megan, and their smaller daughter Sarah Grace share a king size bed, while McKenzi sleeps in her own twin size bed placed at the foot of the king-sized bed.
Brandon asks his daughter why she sleeps in the twin bed in their bedroom, to which she replies, “I don’t know, it’s a little safer.” It’s unclear if she means sleeping in her own bed feels safer (lest she be whacked by three other pairs of feet) or that sleeping in the room with her family feels safer.
Brandon then says that when Sarah Grace potentially becomes “too big” to share the bed with her parents, that she’ll also get her own twin sized bed.
It wasn’t long before the clip received thousands of views on TikTok, with viewers sharing their bafflement at the arrangement.
“I can barely handle co-sleeping with my husband,” one person wrote.
Others were totally on board with the idea, even sharing their own co-sleeping stories.
One person commented, “You keep co-sleeping until those kiddos decide to sleep in their own beds ♥️”
Another added “We co-slept with our oldest til 12, our son til 10. We lived remote in the woods, my kids are grown and amazing keep doing you guys❤❤🙏.”
Still, others feared that the enmeshment could cause codependency issues long term, and get in the way of parents maintaining intimacy.
One person wrote, “As a child I know how safe it feels to sleep with your parents, but as a married woman I realize how important it is to not let my kids sleep w us.”
And while there’s perhaps validity coming from both sides of this argument, most behavioral experts would agree that neither choice is necessarily superior to the other. As James McKenna, PhD, an anthropologist specializing both in sleep behavior and infancy development says, “location is not as important as relationships—how parents build attachment and love.”
The Deal’s sleep strategy might not be suitable for others, but they have customized a plan that seems to work for them. May every family have the freedom and information they need to do the same.
Ozzy Osbourne is a grandfather. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that rock icons are actual human beings that age, have children of their own that produce grandchildren. Instead of screaming lyrics into a crowd with running eyeliner, more often than not Ozzy is just being a normal “papa” as his granddaughter Maple calls him.
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne’s two youngest children both recently welcomed their own children into the world. Jack welcomed his 4th daughter, Maple in 2021 and Kelly welcomed her first child, Sidney, a boy in 2022. The Osbournes currently have a family podcast with Sharon, Ozzy, Kelly and Jack so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they spend time with their grandchildren just like any other grandparents.
But it was a sweet wholesome moment caught on video that has people gushing over baby Maple and her grandpa, Ozzy, who she calls “papa.”
Ozzy was performing on TV like most of us are used to seeing, but for Maple, it was a new experience. When she saw him on the television signing into a microphone, she couldn’t help but think he was performing just for her. The toddler watched her grandpa intently while repeating “papa, papa.” So clearly recognizing the man on stage with his hair in his face as her beloved papa.
Jack is sitting and smiling next to her watching the little girl excitedly recognize her famous grandpa. E News shared the sweet clip on TikTok where it racked up over 2.2 million likes and commenters can’t get over her adorable reaction.
“Omg! I love this! Imagine growing up to learn your grandpa is Ozzy Osbourne,” one person says.
“And this is how you know what kind of grandpa Ozzy is,” another comments.
“I could be wrong but I think Ozzy is Maple’s person,” someone writes.
While others were a bit mind blown that Ozzy is an actual grandpa. It’s just confirmation that these guys are just normal people with kind of wild jobs.
“Hearing Ozzy called “papa” is a trip in itself. I’m so old,” someone says.
“Ozzy has been a lot of things from Prince of Darkness to reality TV star. However, I think being a papa has been my favorite,” another commenter writes.
Well, Ozzy, if comments were a judge, seems like the consensus is, ya done good! Maple is certainly a fan. You can watch the sweet moment below.
Reneé Rapp has made headlines on her current tour, including after she did a cover of “One Less Lonely Girl” in a Bieber-styled costume on Halloween, and welcomed Lizzy McAlpine during her first of the NYC shows. Rapp’s Brooklyn concert last night (November 2) also had some surprises in store, with another special guest: Kesha.
Kesha joined her on stage at Avant Gardner, where the two went on to perform “Your Love Is My Drug.” Rapp kicked things off before Kesha joined in later, treating the crowd to a proper duet of the party hit.
“There are a couple of people in my life musically, and personally, and professionally, who I look up to and regard so highly,” Rapp introduced, according to Billboard. “They just shaped who I was a kid… and made me want to be sexy, and funny, and exciting, and outrageous, and loud, and most of all — really f*cking sexy. So, what better way to honor one of those women by playing one of those songs.”
Earlier in the week, when Rapp welcomed McAlpine out at her Terminal 5 show in Manhattan, the two covered “For Good” from the Wicked musical soundtrack.
Check out Reneé Rapp and Kesha performing “Your Love Is My Drug” together below.
Taylor Swift just reportedly had the biggest debut week of her career so far, with 1989 (Taylor’s Version) beating out her previous record for her 2022 album, Midnights. So far, Swift has six albums that have sold over 1 million copies in a single week, and her latest re-recording has likely outsold the original in pure sales for a first week, according to Hits Daily Double.
Here’s what to know about what Swift albums have sold the most as a whole, per the Recording Industry Association of America, which has yet to certify her re-recordings.
According to the RIAA’s website, Swift’s best-selling era was her original Fearless — as it is the only album of hers to be certified Diamond as of 2017. Since the album’s release in 2008, it has gained over 10 million units.
From there, her second-best-selling era was 1989‘s run in 2014. The site notes that in just three years after its release, the album went 9x Platinum, equating to 9 million certified units.
Red follows close behind at 7 million units, with a 7x Platinum certification.
Taylor Swift
Swift’s self-titled debut album is tied with Red as moving a similar amount of units.
Reputation is certified at 3x Platinum, with over 2 million of the units being pure sales.
While Lover‘s pure sales number was only 1.5 million in the US, it is still able to tie Reputation in other forms to be a triple Platinum record too.
For Swift’s Midnights era, most of the 2x certification came through the album’s 2.5 million worth of direct sales.
Folklore is another loved era among fans. It is 2x Platinum as well, with 1.7 million accounting for the sales.
Evermore is near the bottom of Swift’s album sales, having just a standard Platinum certification for 913,000 of sales in the US. However, that doesn’t mean Swifties love it any less.
This week sees the return of two of hip-hop’s finest female rappers after some time away. In addition to Rapsody’s flexy comeback, Megan Thee Stallion dropped “Cobra,” addressing some of the reason for her absence:
Kid Cudi continued his Insano rollout with the Pharrell and Travis Scott collaboration, “At The Party“:
And Earthgang kicked off/continued the expansion of their Earthgang Vs. The Algorithm universe with “Blacklight“:
Here is the best of hip-hop this week ending November 3, 2023.
JasonMartin — A Compton Story Pt. 1
The rapper formerly known as Problem teams up with fellow Hub City natives AD, DJ Quik, Jay Worthy, NBA star DeMar DeRozan, and more to unreel an audio motion picture capturing two decades worth of life, death, and growth in town that gave the world the Venus sisters. There are also some surprising additions like Diddy, Rich Homie Quan, and T.I.
Jeezy — I Might Forgive … But I Don’t Forget
Jeezy’s vengeful double album is being hailed by fans as a return to the 2005 form that made the Snowman a hood phenomenon. There are certainly those who think the title and some of the content are aimed at his recent ex-wife Jeannie Mai, but to these ears, it sounds like Jeezy heard the footsteps of Father Time creeping up on him and decided to show that this old dog still has plenty of bite.
Lady London — S.O.U.L.
Lady London
I know I’m sort of beating a dead horse here, but hey old-school rap heads: You know how you’ve been complaining about Ice Spice all week? Why don’t you give Lady London a spin and try praising the modern generation of female rappers for a change (without comparing the two for bonus points). This Bronx native brings plenty of that mid-90s flavor so many old heads seem to be seeking on her debut album, right down to the creative repurposing of samples from that lauded era.
Ryan Trey — Streets Say You Miss Me
Ryan Trey
Here’s another debut album, this time from a St. Louis sing-rapper in the style of Bryson Tiller and 6lack (don’t be surprised if Wongo puts him in the R&B column too. I got him first, Wongo!). Regular readers know I’ve been digging this kid’s vibe for a minute and the R&B-washed beats offer a subtle backdrop for this solid introduction to Trey’s sonic vision. At 13 tracks, Streets avoids overstaying its welcome, leaving listeners likely to want more.
Tee Grizzley — Tee’s Coney Island
Tee Grizzley
For months now, I’ve been wondering what the heck has been going down in the D to make every rapper in a 30-mile radius so productive. Tee Grizzley’s latest might provide the answer; it’s the Coney dogs. The Motor City culinary staple is worth tromping through the city’s foot-high piles of slush in the winter and doing so is probably what gives them the fuel they need to be so productive and consistent.
Various Artists — Rap Sh!t: The Mixtape (From The Max Original Series, S2)
Give Issa Rae’s Raedio imprint some credit; the people she’s put in place have great ears for under-the-radar talent to fill their show with. With the second season of Rap Sh!t out returning to Max next week, Raedio switches up its usual formula, dropping music from the upcoming episodes as a mixtape ahead of their air date. With guest spots from Cam & China, Connie Diiamond, Enchanting, Maiya The Don, Omeretta The Great, and TeaMarrr, it’s like a who’s-who of the next seven years of rap stars all in one place. Get familiar now.
The Alchemist — “Vertigo” Feat. Action Bronson
The Alchemist’s new EP Flying High 2 is out today, with appearances from Action Bronson, Conway The Machine, Curren$y, and Oh No. While Alchemist holds his own as a rapper alongside this rap murderer’s row, let’s be honest: The highlight here is another over-the-top verse from Bam Bam.
Benny The Butcher — “Big Dog” Feat. Lil Wayne
Of the Griselda core, Benny’s always struck me as the one best-poised for mainstream success and most willing to reach outside their usual ghoulish sample-based arrangements for beats with crossover appeal. Meanwhile, he continues to check off the list of established veteran super-rappers he’s worked with (J. Cole, Busta Rhymes, Snoop Dogg), spinning the block to reunite with Lil Wayne.
Cochise — “Hop In The Whip”
The 25-year-old Palm Bay, Florida rapper has one of the more unique deliveries in hip-hop today. Once your brain calibrates to it, though, it becomes hard to deny his infectious melodies and gift for catching unconventional pockets in the weird, wonky beats he tends to employ. “Hop In The Whip” continues his trend for deconstructing the standard sounds of hip-hop.
Kamaiyah — “XXL Letterman” h2>
Kamaiyah is clearly tired of being left out of the conversation lately — as she should be. She’s been consistently producing for the past decade, and as an alum of the XXL Freshman Class cover, she certainly deserves more attention than she is often afforded. Hanging out with YG again has also put her back in gangsta mode, apparently, as she stomps all over this menacing late-stage G-funk banger.
Rapsody — “Asteroids”
Don’t call it a comeback — but if you’re gonna come back, this is the way to do it. Rap deploys a soulful Hit-Boy production to issue a stern reminder of exactly why her name stays in the conversation, even four years since her last project. Even better, “Asteroids” signifies another full-length album from the North Carolina hip-hop torch-bearer is closing in.
Turbo — “Bachelor” Feat. Gunna
Gunna and his go-to production partner have yet to miss this year, so it’s only right that Turbo once again taps in with his golden goose for the first single from his upcoming album.
Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
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