Each year, the Comedy Wildlife Awards highlights photos that capture our animal friends in hilarious moments, made all the more delightful by the fact that not one of them is actually trying to be funny.
Perhaps that’s one reason we love animal and little kid videos so much. Their hilarity is so pure. And we’ve got a whole passel of funny kiddos and furry friends in this week’s list of things that made us smile.
If you’re looking for some small joys to lift your spirit, we’ve got you covered! Enjoy!
1. Kiddo steals the show at his sister’s end-of-year dance school concert
@kleinkwagga1 Doen dit lyfie doen dit! @Bernice West #Dans #fun #show Die Here het my mooi gemaak🎊🥳
That’s a kid that was born to dance. Learn more about 7-year-old Klein Kwagga here.
2. New England mall’s magical “Santa Elevator” is a child’s Christmas dream come true
@natasha_luigui 33 Days Until Christmas! We had to take a trip to the North Pole so Kohen can tell Santa what he would like for Christmas personally 😅🥹 #santaselevator #fyp #santaselevatorexpress #santa #christmas2023
The Natick Mall has taken the mall Santa visit to a whole other level. Read the full story here.
3. You think you’ve seen every cute kitten-attacks-dog-friend video and then this one comes along
And the doggo was still so gentle. So darn cute.
4. Groom surprises his bride’s family by learning Korean in secret
Such a thoughtful gesture. Read the full story here.
5. Delivery driver finds a baby turtle and his reaction is pure wholesomeness
So darn sweet. Read the full story here.
6. Twins separated shortly after birth were both named Jim and led wildly parallel lives
Identical twins separated as newborns may not seem like a smile-worthy story, but the parallels between their lives are so remarkable, it’s like the universe decided to play a hilarious joke on everyone. Not only did their adoptive parents name them both Jim, they also both had childhood dogs named Toy and a brother named Larry. They both married women named Linda, got divorced, then married women named Betty. They both named their sons James—one of them James Alan and one of them James Allan. And that’s not even the end of the bizarre coincidences in their lives before they met at age 39.
Read the full, incredible-but-true story here.
7. Sometimes confidence is the key to success and sometimes it’s the key to comedy
Good effort, buddy.
8. What is love? It’s all about missing teeth.
Awww. It’s true, that IS love.
9. The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are here and they’re utterly delightful
Animals being unintentionally entertaining is the best. Check out 14 of the funniest finalists for the Comedy Wildlife Awards here.
10. Speaking of animals being unintentionally funny, these little trash bandits should get an award of their own
We got caught Jim, just act normal.. ud83dude02
“Just act normal, Jim.” HA.
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