The American version of The Office ended over a decade ago, but it’s still as powerful as ever. It’s on TV somewhere at any given time. Its cast does podcasts devoted to behind-the-scenes minutiae. There’s even allegedly a reboot in the offing. Even those married to cast members can’t escape it. Per Entertainment Weekly, Emily Blunt — acclaimed actress and spouse of Jim Halpert player John Krasinski — went on Variety’s Awards Circuit podcast, where she revealed fans of the show aren’t above heckling her.
“Do you know how many people still yell out, ‘I wish you were with Pam!’ like when I’m walking next to him?” Blunt said of her husband. “‘Where’s Pam?’ I’m like, ‘She’s not here!’”
There were a few inter-office relationships on The Office, none as beloved as the one between Krasinski’s Jim and Jenna Fischer’s Pam Beesly, who spent the first few seasons engaged in will-they-or-won’t-they flirtations. They finally hooked up, got married, and even left the show to live happily ever after.
Blunt and Krasinski, meanwhile, began dating in 2008, midway through the show’s run, and married two years later. Krasinski directed and co-starred with her in A Quiet Place, as well as its first sequel. Blunt has vowed to take a wee break from acting to spend more time with their kids, though when she returns she’d like to do finally do a sequel to one of her finest works, the Tom Cruise vehicle Edge of Tomorrow. In the meantime, Office heads, please leave her be.
(Via EW)