George Santos‘ expulsion from Congress made headlines this past week, with many rejoicing. And of course, Saturday Night Live celebrated the news in pure comedic fashion.
Bowen Yang reprised his hilarious impression of Santos, with a special farewell message in which he assumed another identity.
“You know what I say? To hell with Congress,” Yang said as Santos. “I don’t need them anyway because my new movie opened this weekend. It’s called Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé.
As Santos, Yang ran down the disgraced politician’s resume, which contained titles like “regular old professor, major, general, reverend, astronaut, Princess of Genovia.” He continued, dodging questions, and even flirting with journalists. He then declared he would go down in history as a martyr, like Marilyn Monrow.
Before he made his final exit, the Santos character paid homage to himself, delivering a rather suspect rendition of “Candle In The Wind.”
“Goodbye, Congress Queen / Though they never knew me at all ‘cuz I lied about everything in my life and I took a tragic fall / They crawled out of the woodwork. They whispered, he used my donations for Botox, and I said, it was filler, slut,” sang Yang.
You can see the hilarious cold open performance of Yang’s “Scandal In The Wind” above.