Of all the jewels in 50 Cent’s multimedia empire, Power shines the brightest. As the producer of the long-running street crime saga, 50 has seen the show bring in so much money that its success even intimidated him.
But now, the man who claims to be the real-life Ghost wants a piece of that success — namely, $1 billion.
According to AllHipHop, in 2021, Cory Holland, who says that he was former drug kingpin whose street name really was “Ghost,” filed a suit against 50 Cent, his co-producer Courtney Kemp, Starz, and Lionsgate for allegedly basing much of the show on his life without his permission. Holland said that in 2007 he recorded his recollections on a CD, distributing it to at-risk youth to warn them about the dangers of street life.
Holland, who is representing himself in the suit, insists that the success of the show has brought law enforcement to his doorstep because scenes were so realistic and similar to real-life incidents from his life. In the complaint, he wrote, “This is not one of those lawsuits from a deranged fan or some somebody trying capitalize-off someone else’s success. This is about the actual theft of my life, and the damages that it has done as well the profits that the defendants have made from the of stealing and telling my life story without my consent.”
Meanwhile, in a separate lawsuit, Holland said that 50 even assaulted him to intimidate him out of pursuing the suit, and demanded $300 million. 50’s lawyers have since requested this portion of the lawsuit be thown out.