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Donald Trump Claims A U.S. General Told Him He Was Braver Than Soldiers Killed In Battle For Debating Hillary Clinton, And Everyone Thinks He’s Full Of Sh*t

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The Access Hollywood tape should have been the end of Donald Trump‘s presidential aspirations. Instead, it was just the beginning. On October 7, 2016, a month before the election, the Washington Post reported that Trump “bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping, and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone.” The headline-grabbing quotes: “Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” “And when you’re a star, they let you do it.” “Grab them by the p*ssy.”

Raw Story reports that Trump is now claiming that an unnamed general called him braver than any solider he’s ever met for appearing at a debate with Hillary Clinton shortly after the tape dropped.

“I went onto that stage just a few days later,” Trump boasted to some Young Republicans about his “locker room talk” this weekend. “And a general, who’s a fantastic general, actually, said to me, ‘Sir, I’ve been on the battlefield, men have gone down on my left and on my right. I stood on hills with soldiers who were killed. But I believe the bravest thing I’ve ever seen was the night you went onto that stage with Hillary Clinton after what happened.’”

What’s the chance this actually happened? Two percent? One percent? Zero percent? Let’s go with zero.

(Via Raw Story)