Rootin’ tootin’ Lauren Boebert enjoys a good night on the town, which is all well and good (it is the holiday season, after all) unless it has to do with Beetlejuice. She was in the Big Apple over the weekend to enjoy a GOP event for the New York Young Republican Club, and an afterparty led to Boebert hanging out with George Santos. He, of course, recently was ejected from the House and has claimed to be making a killing on Cameo in the aftermath. That includes silly videos that were the result of a Jimmy Kimmel prank, and Page Six reports that Santos has been bragging up a storm:
The source said Santos was telling guests at the party Saturday night that “he took 140 orders yesterday at $599 per order” for the Cameo fan videos.
That’s $83,860 in just a day.
Santos also recently told a right-wing outlet that he’s made more in one week doing Cameo videos than he made in Congress. No one knows, of course, if he is telling the truth, but the IRS is probably listening, so yeah, that could get awkward later. In the meantime, Page Six has a photo of Boebert and Santos posing together. She looks kinda thrilled to be photographed with her disgraced ex-colleague, and the two let the good times roll:
Also at the eatery, we hear that Boebert “was a ball of energy” and “loves the New York vibe,” a witness said.
“She was having a blast hanging with her bestie … she and George are like two peas in a pod.”
The party went ’til the sun came up, we hear. Owner Dave Goodside’s popular restaurant is known as a powerhouse political hangout.
As well, Santos reportedly denied that he bought pizza for everyone in the joint. I guess he didn’t want to party that hard.
(Via Page Six)