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Liberals Once Again Can’t Believe Ann Coulter Has Become The GOP’s Voice Of Reason On A Hot Button Issue

Ann Coulter
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Ann Coulter used to be the scourge of liberals. The far right commentator has written untold columns and books painting Democrats as a pox upon America. Now look at her. Though she was on the Trump train for a while, she hopped off a couple years back. Now she’s one of his sharpest critics, which makes her the scourge of today’s conservatives. She’s become so sane that once again liberals cannot believe she’s the one making sense on a hot button issue.

On Tuesday Coulter weighed in on the tragic story of Kate Cox, a Texas woman who sought an exception to the state’s draconian anti-abortion laws after her fetus was diagnosed with a fatal disease. Doctors say her condition threatens her own life. Last week a district court said Cox qualified for an exception, but on Monday the Texas Supreme Court overruled that ruling. By then Cox had already left the state to get a life-saving abortion elsewhere. The court’s decision has prompted outrage, and not only from Democrats.

“The prolife movement has gone from compassion for the child to cruelty to the mother (and child),” Coulter tweeted. She added that the disease, Trisomy 18, “is not a condition that is compatible with life.”

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned last summer, Coulter has said something reasonable about abortions, which she’s still against. She also recognizes it as what it is: an issue that will turn voters away from Republicans. That’s what happened last year, when the much-touted “red wave,” that would hand Republicans more control over the nation, failed to materialize. They wound up only flipping the House, and not by much.

Liberals should be used to Coulter saying things that sound awful lefty, at least in the Trump era. Or maybe they’ll never get used to agreeing with Ann Coulter. Whatever the case, people still can’t get over her being the sensible conservative.

Others, though, pointed out Coulter’s long history of being fanatically anti-abortion, and of helping create the volcanic, intransigent rhetoric that has taken over the Republican Party.

But for now, welcome to the resistance, Ann Coulter. Again. Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene will listen to her this time.

(Via Mediaite)