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Rudy Giuliani Got Himself Hit With Another Defamation Lawsuit From The People He Already Got Sued For Defaming

Rudy Giuliani
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Remember when Donald Trump was found guilty of defamation, ran his mouth, then got sued for defamation again by the same person? Apparently Rudy Giuliani thought that was a smart move. Last week the extremely former “America’s Mayor” was ordered to pay $148 million in damages to two election workers he’d defamed. Now, like the pal who left him to rot, he’s getting sued again, because he can’t stop defaming.

Per NBC News, Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, who worked Georgia’s election in 2020 and who Giuliani falsely accused of malfeasance, filed a new lawsuit against him after he blabbed some more about them after the damning verdict was dropped.

After the trial ended, Giuliani told reporters that his claims — that the two were caught on camera passing a USB drive, debunked as actually being a ginger mint — nonetheless “were supportable and are supportable today.” Giuliani also went on Newsmax and claimed “he was in possession of video evidence demonstrating the truth of his allegations.”

Because of this, Freeman and Moss’ new suit are seeking that a court order to block him “from persisting in his defamatory campaign.”

“Before filing this lawsuit, Plaintiffs’ counsel asked Defendant Giuliani to enter into an agreement to stop publishing these and any similar false claims about Plaintiffs. Defendant Giuliani refused,” the filing reads. “Defendant Giuliani’s statements, coupled with his refusal to agree to refrain from continuing to make such statements, make clear that he intends to persist in his campaign of targeted defamation and harassment. It must stop.”

The new suit doesn’t mention any monetary damages. Instead it simply asks that a “targeted injunction barring Defendant Giuliani from continuing to repeat the very falsehoods about Plaintiffs that have already been found and held, conclusively, to be defamatory.”

That should be a relief to Giuliani, who’s reportedly so broke he can’t even afford a new car. SNL’s Colin Jost joked that the amount he already owes Freeman and Moss is “hilarious,” because any amount would be too much for the poor guy.

(Via NBC News)