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Like The Undertaker Rising From The MAGA Ashes, Kellyanne Conway Is Back To Blast Democrats For Driving Electric Vehicles To Get Abortions Every Day

Kellyanne Conway Fox News
Fox News

Have you missed Kellyanne Conway, a.k.a. the inventor of the Bowling Green Massacre? If your answer is “no,” then you are definitely not alone, and Kellyanne is no longer delivering daily missives from the White House lawn, but she’s still getting out there. At the moment, she appears to be miffed that plenty of Americans will not let go of how a certain ex-president attempted a MAGA coup on January 6, 2021.

Actually, Kellyanne would really like for Democrats to let go of the whole insurrection thing. That’s over and done, she believes, but she’s now convinced that the Left not only refuses to forget but also pulls a Groundhog Day with that historical mess. Then, she imagines, an entire political party hops out of bed and into their EVs to terminate fetuses. This obviously isn’t true, but that’s what Kellyanne claimed on Fox News:

“I think Democrats wake up every morning and they look at the calendar on the iPhone and it says January 6th. The date never changes,” the 2016 Trump campaign manager declared. “And then they get into an electric vehicle and go get an abortion.”

She forgot about slipping on Birkenstocks and hugging a few trees on the way to the EV each morning. C’mon, man. As Jack Reacher says, details matter.