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Trump Furiously Denied ‘Bullying’ His Way Into That ‘Home Alone 2’ Cameo That Doesn’t Play So Hot These Days

Trump Home Alone 2
20th Century Fox

It’s the holidays, which means Home Alone and its near-copycat sequel Home Alone 2 have been in heavy rotation for the last handful of weeks. But the latter has a sight more disturbing than the part where poor Daniel Stern gets nails shot into his face: Donald J. Trump. (At least he loves it.) Recently the film’s director, Chris Columbus, once again talked about how that cameo only came about because the future 45th president demanded it or he wouldn’t let them film in the glorious Plaza Hotel, which he then owned. Now, of course, Trump is furiously denying that.

“30 years ago (how time flies!), Chris Columbus, and others, were begging me to make a cameo appearance in Home Alone 2,” Trump posted on his rinky-dink social media service. He claimed he “was very busy, and didn’t want to do it.” But they were “persistent” and “the rest is history!” (Verily.)

Trump also claimed the cameo “helped make the movie a success,” which seems a stretch considering it was a sequel to the second highest-grossing movie of 1990.

He also questioned whether Chris Columbus is his real name. (It is. His name is Christopher Joseph Columbus.)

As usual, it’s not hard to spot a Trump lie. When he owned the Plaza, he had a habit of insisting productions that wished to shoot there would include him in a cameo. Usually they would film them then never put them in the final cut.

One such film was Scent of a Woman. Matt Damon, who appeared in the film, told The Hollywood Reporter in 2017 that to film at the Plaza the crew had to “waste a little time” filming Trump and then-wife Marla Maples getting out of a limo.

“You have to waste an hour of your day with a bulls*** shot: Donald Trump walks in and Al Pacino’s like, ‘Hello, Mr Trump!’ – you had to call him by name – and then he exits,” Damon recalled. “You waste a little time so that you can get the permit, and then you can cut the scene out. But I guess in Home Alone 2 they left it in.”

Chris O’Donnell, one of the film’s leads, verified that they filmed a Trump-Maples cameo that never made the finished product.

But Trump knows that his die hards will buy anything he tells them, hook, line, and sinker.

(Via The Daily Beast)