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Dan Crenshaw Went Scorched Earth On ‘F*cking Hack’ Jesse Watters: ‘Seems Like The Type Of Dude Who Pees Sitting Down’

Dan Crenshaw Jesse Watters
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In today’s GOP, one can seem like a brave do-gooder by clearing the lowest bar imaginable: admitting that Donald Trump lost re-election. Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw clears that bar, but he’s still a guy who gets mad when beer companies are nice to trans people. So when he picked a scorched earth fight with Fox News host Jesse Watters, it was really more a case of “let them fight.”

Per Mediaite, on his Tuesday night show, Watters did a segment on lawmakers who are allegedly involved in insider trading. Crenshaw made the cut. Crenshaw was not happy about this. In a series of Instagram Stories posts, he confirmed that he has “$10,000 invested in stocks” but hasn’t made any trades in “over a year.” He claimed he “never had more than $20k invested,” adding, “Fox knows this but they’re desperate for fake controversy to get clicks.”

Crenshaw also singled out Watters for scorn:

Hey you f*cking hack, if you’re gonna accuse me of literal corruption, get your facts straight and man up and come accuse me to my face. You’re a fucking clown desperate for clickbait. …

Watters is a tool, making millions to push conspiracies on tv and bash veterans like me who are barely a fraction of his net worth. Wake up America. The political entertainment industry is almost always lying to you.

He then implored to Republicans (and anyone else): “Stop watching these mediocre entertainers.” He continued, “Stop letting wealthy elitists like [Jesse] Watters claim to be ‘fighting for you.’ They live in Manhattan and can’t stand normal people who live in red states. They think you’re stupid and feed you bullsh*t to rile you up.”

Crenshaw wasn’t done with Watters:

Losers like Watters grew up with a silver spoon. His family is made up of well connected journalists and politicians. And for some reason, people are fooled into believing he’s some genuine blue collar conservative. Yeah, he’s such a “conservative” he cheated on his wife and then left her with twins while he went off with another Fox producer.

Okay, after this one he was done:

And let’s be honest, Jesse Watters seems like the type of dude who pees sitting down.

Will Watters take a break from disparaging homeless people to take on the guy who once made a dorky action video in which he went Marvel superhero on Black Lives Matter? Again, let them fight.

(Via Mediaite)