Take a shot every time Donald Trump says the word “bedlam.” Or, on second thought, maybe don’t. For the sake of your poor liver. Earlier this week, the former president warned that if the criminal charges against him cause him to lose the 2024 election, “it’ll be bedlam in the country. It’s a very bad thing. It’s a very bad precedent. As we said, it’s the opening of a Pandora’s box.”
“Bedlam” is a favorite word of Trump’s, as TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald author Tim O’Brien pointed out to MSNBC’s Joy Reid on Wednesday.
“Yesterday after the hearing, he said there’s ‘bedlam’ if these courts prosecute me, there will be bedlam,” O’Brien said, according to Raw Story. “He has used that word throughout his whole career any time the system comes at him in a way he doesn’t like. When [former New York City mayor] Ed Koch refused to zone a piece of property Trump wanted on the West Side, he said, ‘There’s bedlam in New York, I couldn’t get zoned.’” He added, “He has no sense of proportion. And he’s got no sense of civility or the rule of law. So he’ll simply say, it’s chaos because I’m not getting what I want.”
Seth Meyers also had something to say about Trump’s “bedlam” comments, which you can watch below.
(Via Raw Story)