Chefwillco/TikTokChef Will Coleman is getting a lot of attention on TikTok after sharing his 6-to-1 grocery shipping method, which has an incredible number of benefits. It makes shopping easy, promotes a healthy diet, eliminates food waste, reduces mental labor, saves money and enhances your creativity in the kitchen.
Chef Will Coleman is a video personality, writer and food stylist.
He lays out his simple shopping method in a video with nearly 1 million views. “We’re all trying to save money this year, and my 6-to-1 grocery shopping method … is super, super simple … you grab six veggies, five fruits, four proteins, three starches, two sauces or spreads, and one fun thing for yourself,” Coleman says.
The shopping strategy runs counter to the way most people shop: starting with a list or a recipe and then picking up what’s required to make the meal. With the 6-to-1 method, you get the food and then use your creativity to create your own recipe.
My 6 to 1 grocery method makes shopping cheaper and easier!
@chefwillco My 6 to 1 grocery method makes shopping cheaper and easier! Let me know how you like this grocery shopping method. #6to1method
In a follow-up video, he noted that 6-to-1 is more of a ratio than a specific number of foods one can buy. It can fluctuate based on the number of people around your dinner table.
“So if you want to shop for more, a group of 5 or 6, you just grab more of that item,” Coleman said. “Maybe instead of grabbing one bag of kale, you grab 2 or 3 to make it stretch. You can do that for every single ingredient.”
The grocery shopping method helps people save money because it directs them to purchase healthier and more affordable items.
“It’s designed in a way to cut costs because when you’re shopping in the store, some of the higher ticket items are prepackaged or processed items,” Coleman told People. “Fruits and vegetables are usually on the lower end of things and they can stretch beyond one meal. You can be way more creative about what you’re putting out in the kitchen, and of course, it’s healthier as well.”
Prioritizing foods that don’t come with elaborate packaging also cuts down on waste.
Many people who saw the video weren’t exactly sure what each food category meant, so he explained it further in his FAQ video.
@chefwillco If you’re looking to use the 6 to 1 grocery shopping method and are curious if it’ll work for your family, then this video is for you.
Vegetables can be frozen, fresh, prepared, or salad mixes.
Fruits aren’t just apples and bananas but cucumbers, avocados and bell peppers, too.
Proteins are more than meat. Beans, yogurt and eggs are also great sources of protein.
Starches include rice, potatoes, pasta and bread.
Sauces and spreads such as pesto, salsa, garlic spread and hummus can really tie your meal together.
Another important aspect of the 6-to-1 method is getting people out of their culinary comfort zones. You’ve got a fridge full of all this yummy fresh food. Now, what can you do with it? “My goal is to get everyone cooking and everybody loving food, whether you’re a chef or not,” he told People. “I’ve always experimented when it comes to how I approach food and how I share food.”