In Barbie, America Ferrera gives a powerful monologue about what it’s like being a woman. “It is literally impossible to be a woman. You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don’t think you’re good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow we’re always doing it wrong,” she says, adding, “I’m just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us.”
Emily Ratajkowski put it another way: “I just don’t really give a f*ck.”
The model, author, and podcaster spoke to Glamour UK about how she’s perceived as a woman.
“In the past two years, how I feel is I just care a whole lot less what people think,” she said. “So, if I am in a certain type of mood where I want to post something or wear something that I could be judged for because it’s, quote-unquote ‘desperate,’ I’m a little bit like, ‘Well, that’s where I’m at.’ I’ve learned to prioritize my own happiness, probably because of my son. I feel I have bigger fish to fry than caring about the politics of whether or not I’m appealing to the male gaze in a given moment.”
Ratajkowski then quoted “Vigilante Sh*t,” a song by Taylor Swift. “Because I know there are plenty of times where I don’t – and I just am living my life and it feels great,” she said. There’s this huge conversation happening with Gen-Z or the Taylor Swift lyric, ‘I don’t dress for women. I don’t dress for men. I dress for revenge.’ Who do you dress for? Female gaze? The male gaze?” Ratajkowski continued, “So I guess where I am is a little bit of a true liberation, in a personal sense, in the way that I just don’t really give a f*ck.”
(Via Glamour UK)