If you think the team behind Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey was about to stop there, think again. Pinocchio is now set to join what’s being called the “Public Domain Horror Universe,” a reference to the copyright law that’s allowed Pooh, Mickey Mouse, and soon others to do all kinds of murder.
Jagged Edge productions has confirmed to Bloody Disgusting (which has also revealed a preview image) that Pinocchio: Uprising will join the upcoming films Bambi: The Reckoning and Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare. The studio also announced a sequel to Blood and Honey, which will bring Pooh’s old pal Tigger into the fold. Not only that, but the end credits will reportedly reveal more beloved characters that are on their way to becoming very stabby.
“Unannounced characters from the universe will be revealed in sketch drawings in the closing credits of Pooh 2 so keep an eye out!” Jagged Edge said in a statement.
While this trend of turning storybook characters into frightening monsters has found a niche with horror fans, it has also led to some unfortunate moments. Namely, a Florida teacher accidentally showing the film to a class full of fourth graders. According to Variety, a substitute allowed the students to pick a movie, but no one checked the content rating or description until it was far too late. Needless to say, the kids saw a very different side of Pooh that day.
(Via Bloody Disgusting)