Tool is continuing their 2024 tour, as the band is currently making stops across North America until February. Then, in May, they will kick off a European leg that will run through the summer.
For those who are going to an upcoming show in the US, here’s what to expect in terms of the songs on the setlist. According to setlist.fm, Tool recently did two nights at Madison Square Garden, where they played the most songs from their Fear Inoculum album.
The setlist also shifted a bit between the two nights as they played “The Pot,” “Intolerance,” “Flood,” and “Schism” on opening day, but shifted the songs out for “Jambi,” “Sweat,” “Descending,” and more on night two. The second night also saw a birthday tribute to Adam Jones and Joe Paul Slaby.
Tool is set to head to Hollywood, Florida for two performances at Hard Rock Live. If you want more information on tickets and a complete list of dates for Tool’s 2024 shows, visit their official website.
Continue scrolling to view the full setlist, as of their second MSG show.
1. “Fear Inoculum”
2. “Jambi”
3. “Rosetta Stoned” (“Lost Keys” Intro)
4. “Pneuma”
5. “Sweat”
6. “Descending”
7. “The Grudge”
8. “Chocolate Chip Trip”
9. “Culling Voices”
10. “Invincible”
11. “Happy Birthday To You”
12. “Forty Six & 2”