For nine seasons, Josh Radnor was not only one of the stars of How I Met Your Mother; he was the “I” of the title. Should Radnor’s future potential children ever ask how he met their mother, he’ll have a pretty good answer: Shortly after meeting her they fell for each other while both were high on drugs.
Per The New York Times, Radnor and his now-wife Dr. Jordana Jacobs, a clinical psychologist, met two years back at a sound meditation retreat in upstate New York. The day before they both took mushrooms as part of a group practice, they had met and even chatted for a half-hour. What’s more, they were both recovering from a break-up.
While each lying on the floor, tripping on recreational pharmaceuticals, masks over their eyes, listening to singing bowls and chimes, they both hallucinated that voiced were telling them to date:
“That’s her,” Mr. Radnor, now 49, said a voice told him. “That’s your woman.”
Across the room and the psilocybin-infused metaverse, Dr. Jacobs, 36, was having a conversation with her heart.
“What do you have to tell me?” she asked it.
“You know that man over there across the room, Josh?” it replied. “You’re drawn to him.”
Later Jacobs made the first move, telling Radnor she liked him.
“I had this experience in ceremony of listening to my heart,” she told him, “and my heart is drawn to you.”
At first Randor was hesitant, telling her, “You came up for me in ceremony as well, but I’m not ready to talk about it.”
But soon after leaving the retreat, Randor texted her. Nearly two years later, on Jan. 6, 2024, they wed.
Is this a better “how I met your mother” story than the one in How I Met Your Mother? Even if it isn’t, it’s at least further proof that life can be stranger than fiction.
(Via NYT)