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Trump ‘Officially Retired’ His Unfunny Name For Ron DeSantis After The Governor Ended His Flailing Campaign

Donald Trump Ron DeSantis
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Say what you will about Donald Trump, he has a gift for mean, childish nicknames. Sometimes they’re lazy, sometimes they’re straight-up racist, but other times they’re inspired, in a schoolyard bully way. Alas, when it came to someone who was once seen as a likely successor to this throne — that is, Florida governor Ron DeSantis — he came up short. It was rumored he was flirting with “Meatball Ron,” but evidently that was too mean even for him. The best he could come up with, publicly, anyway, was “Ron DeSanctimonious.” But after DeSantis finally deep-sixed his 2024 campaign, Trump unceremoniously put it to rest, as he should have long ago.

Per Mediaite, Trump was in New Hampshire Sunday, addressing a crowd not long after DeSantis formally ended his presidential run. The former president has been torching DeSantis for months and months, but once he was no longer seen as a threat, he did what he often does: He put down the gloves and welcomed him back into the fold — after DeSantis kissed the ring by endorsing him, of course.

DeSantis’ reward? An end to a lame Trump nickname. After his New Hampshire speech, Trump was asked if he would still pelt him with the “Ron DeSanctimonious” name? He would not, declaring the moniker “officially retired.”

Does this mean DeSantis is no longer sanctimonious? Was he ever? It was never a great name for a guy who could be pretentious, with his shoe lifts, who could be profoundly awkward, who basically tried, and failed, to cosplay as a younger, tougher version of Trump.

During his speech, Trump described DeSantis as a “very capable person,” signaling he was willing to let bygones by bygones. Again, no doubt DeSantis endorsing him and not Nikki Haley was instrumental in getting him back in his good graces.

So RIP to one of Trump’s lamer nicknames, and RIP to DeSantis’ presidential aspirations, at least for now. He now returns to his state, where he’s hated by anyone who’s not a homophobic and/or transphobic bigot. Hope it was worth it!

(Via Mediaite)