Pop quiz: Which American president is the biggest whiner? The answer is almost certainly Donald Trump. (Who knows, maybe Rutherford B. Hayes was secretly an even bigger self-pitying dork.) The former president has been out on the campaign trail for months, and apart from vowing to be a dictator, he hasn’t said much about policy. What he likes to yammer about his himself and how persecuted he is (for allegedly committing lots of crimes). How bad are things for him? So bad, he claims, that the president who oversaw a freaking civil war has nothing on him.
Trump makes a case that he has been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln pic.twitter.com/RetPBZAJcw
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 27, 2024
Per Mediaite, Trump was in Las Vegas Saturday, where he gushed about how strong he is when it comes to adversity.
“People say, ‘How do you do it, sir? How do you do it?’” Trump crowed. “I get two questions. If you had it to do again, would you do it? Because, you know, in history, they say the president that was treated the worst was Abraham Lincoln. But he had the Civil War, you know. So he had a little Civil War going, Abraham Lincoln.”
A ”little Civil War” is certainly a way to describe that, although he has a recent history of saying surreal things about an event that almost cut the nation in half. He thought the whole affair could have been “negotiated.” Also perhaps he forgot that Lincoln was treated so badly that he was shot in the head.
But we digress. Trump then kept comparing his woes to previous American presidents.
“And Jackson was treated very badly, and a couple of others were treated. Andrew Jackson, he was treated very badly and a few others, and I haven’t seen the new list,” he explained. “But if I’m not number one over Abraham Lincoln, I will be very disappointed because I don’t believe any presidents ever been. And they do that because their policies can’t work. This is the only way.”
There’s a chance this guy, who thinks Abraham Lincoln had it easy compared to him, could get his old job back. If he does, surely it will be a super-sized version of the nightmare he wrought for four years, when some of his staffers were reportedly high on illegally distributed drugs.
(Via Mediaite)