There’s a more than good chance, somehow, that there could be a repeat of the Trump administration. Mind you, it won’t be more of the same. It will be worse, as the president has vowed revenge, even promised to be a dictator. (But just for one day! Yeah, that’ll happen.) That’s apparently what Republican voters want, a return of the guy whose brain is currently melting. Still, his first administration was pretty nuts, too, with a new report claiming that working for the big guy was a great way to get drugs.
Per The Washington Post, a new report by Defense Department’s inspector general claims that the White House Medical Unit under the magnets understander “provided a wide range of health care and pharmaceutical services to ineligible White House staff in violation of Federal law and regulation and DoD policy.”
Among the pharmaceutical services provided to ineligible staffers were “prescription medications, including controlled substances.” Among those controlled substances were fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, and oxycodone. Oh, but there’s more:
For example, controlled medications, including sleeping pill Ambien and stimulant Provigil, were dispensed “without verifying the patient’s identity.” A witness told investigators “Dr. [X] asked if I could hook up this person with some Provigil as a parting gift for leaving the White House … in the unit, it was authorized for us to do that kind of stuff.
The report also sheds new light on older claims from 2018, in which Trump’s then-doctor, current Texas representative Ronny Jackson, was accused by almost two dozen staffers of passing around drugs. He even earned the name “Candyman.” Jackson denied the allegations.
If you were a Trump White House staffer you could also receive “clandestine surgery”:
Aliases were used “to provide free specialty care and surgery to ineligible White House staff members at military medical treatment facilities,” according to the report. Former staffers told the inspectors that an ineligible White House employee received free elective surgery and that “the unit altered practices to cater to high ranking officials.” One staffer said “we bent the rules to meet this very weird, strange culture that was there, and I think it was really to just impress people.
If the first Trump administration was a “very weird, strange culture,” with everyone so high they could taste time, just imagine how out-there the White House will get if he unaccountably gets his old job back.
(Via The Post)