There is no reason you shouldn’t be a morning person. I don’t care how long you have identified as “not a morning person,” the time to change that personal narrative is now. I can tell you from experience, as someone who was part of that crew, the grass is greener on the other side.
That’s not just my opinion either. Research shows that morning people have a greater overall satisfaction with life and are even less vulnerable to mental health problems. I know it can be hard to ditch an identity but if there was ever an exception — this is it.
Let’s clear up another narrative out there about “morning people.” You don’t have to wake up at four in the morning and immediately hit the gym like Mark Wahlberg to be in the club. The reality is not everyone has the same schedule or the same responsibilities and just because you wake up a few hours later, doesn’t mean that the morning is not yours.
Here are five easy morning moves you can make for better mental wellness.

How good would you feel if you never had to wake up to your alarm again?
Ever hear your alarm in a television show or movie and immediately have a minor PTSD-like reaction? You’re not alone according to research. It seems obvious that being jarred awake by a blaring, obnoxious sound would be a terrible way to start the day, but somehow it has become the norm. That does’t have to be the way though, for years humans woke up without the assistance of an app. And you can do it too.
Now, if you are transitioning into being a morning person, telling you to lose the tool that helps you get up may seem cruel. But this is part of the benefits that come with being a morning person, embracing the power of the sun. Our relationship with the sun is a powerful one, and if you can get in sync with the sun in a meaningful way, there is are a lot of positives.
One of the positives comes from building a healthy circadian rhythm, which is the physical and mental journey our bodies go on every 24 hours. Natural light has a massive effect on our rhythm, and when you get into a good one, quality sleep is easier to come by. No surprise, when you get better sleep, it’s a lot easier to become a morning person.
If you are able to, pull back those blackout blinds and try to use the morning sun to wake up. Depending on how the sun comes into your room, you may be able to adjust your blinds so that the sun hits you at your desired time. If you don’t have adequate sunlight, there are great alarm clocks out there that utilize soft light to wake you up instead of noise.
We featured one of them this a recent gear guide but there are plenty of great options on the market now.

One of the best habits I ever picked up when I was younger was making my bed. The majority of us probably were asked to do it by our parents, but not everyone keeps the habit after moving out on their own. But it turns out making your bed every morning comes with a lot of benefits (beyond making mom proud).
For starters, we’ll mention the science, with studies showing that doing regular household chores helps you stay sharp and sets the stage for a stronger mental state. The paper mentions “higher cognition” and “sharper memory” and I can certainly validate those benefits. After all, an action like this can become a meditation of sorts. A time when you organize your thoughts for the day.
Getting your bed made is also a great way to check something off of your to-do list with minimal effort. And since for most of us the day is just a succession of tasks to be done, completing one early can really help the mindset. Lastly, a made bed just looks better than a messy one, and whether you live alone or with someone who can judge you, it makes for a better impression.

Not everyone has time for a comprehensive stretching routine or to hit the gym for a full-on sweat session. But you don’t need an hour to feel better good physically at the beginning of the day. Doing just 10 to 15 minutes of stretching can be a game changer, but honestly if you don’t even have that, doing one stretch helps. Check out our essential static stretches in this story here. Even if you are doing just one stretch, if weather allows, try to get outside for that additional natural boost of Vitamin D.
For the morning, I like a stretch that also works as a body check and sun salutation. Start by standing straight up, bend down to touch your toes, then keeping your torso parallel to the ground swing your arms out like you are doing a chest stroke until they are just past your shoulders. Hold that. Bring your arms back down then stand up straight again. Bring your arms up in a circle from your sides until they are both straight up above your head and you are in a stick position. Then arc to the left and the right without moving your feet, so that you feel a stretch in both sides. Return back to the stick position.
The last touch is putting your head back and looking up at your hands like you are going to take off of the ground like Superman.

I’m a huge coffee lover, and it’s a big part of my daily routine, but I started to realize that my dependence on it to wake me up in the morning was not healthy. There is no study that concludes exactly when it’s “best” to drink coffee, but general guidance from well-respected experts like Dr. Andrew D. Huberman is to wait an hour after you wake up for your first cup. This is based off the time that natural cortisol levels are highest in our body (earlier in the day), since it is also a stimulant and basically trying to do the same job as caffeine.
In order to break the habit of reaching for a coffee mug as soon as you wake up, look to other ways to invigorate the body off rip. One of the best ways is getting sunlight early, because it tells your body to stop producing melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleepiness. Another great way is cold water, I like to kick off the mornings with a cold shower or plunge to get a rush of endorphins.
Speaking of water, make sure that water is the first thing that you drink. Most of us don’t get enough throughout the day, and front loading is a good way to get ahead. The added benefit being you aren’t trying to quench your thirst with coffee, as it actually does the reverse. By getting your jump start by other means, and hydrating before, you can really enjoy your morning roast.

Starting a good morning habit is about doing things that are easily accomplished in a short amount of time and then expanding on them as you get more comfortable. Not everyone has time for 45 minutes of meditation, but you can accomplish a lot of good by starting your day with a little self-talk that includes purpose and gratitude.
The definition of mantra that applies in this case is a statement that is repeated often, for as long as you need. The objective is to find a mantra that you connect with personally and brings you contentment. Keep it realistic though, this is not a time to make wishes. For example, “I will win the lottery today” is not a good mantra. Here are a few that I like, but you can also create your own.
- “I create my own path, and walk it with joy.”
- “I am centered, and I am at peace.”
- “I am motivated to become the best version of myself.”
Give these mantras a try, make up your own, make small tweaks and live the hell out of your one life!