The one thing that all Americans and folks worldwide can agree on is that the United States is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. When tourists trek across the states, they are always blown away by how vast the country is and the number of different climates and bioregions encompassing all 50 states.
There are the deserts of the southwest, the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii, the tundra of Alaska and the grasslands of the midwest. Not to mention the beautiful coasts of California and the picturesque bays of New England.
America has many wonders, but which place is the most beautiful? A Redditor named DriedKitten posed the question to the AskReddit subforum and received over 1,100 replies.
To rank the responses on the Reddit post, we looked at the number of upvotes each suggestion received and then ranked them. It’s not the most scientific way of doing things, but it gives us a pretty good idea about the places in America that people think are most beautiful.
Here are the top 15 most beautiful places in America ranked.
1. Glacier National Park (523)
“That whole place is surreal. Going to the Sun Road is a national treasure.” — Andrunlc.
“The vistas of this road, on a motorcycle, were beyond breathtaking to experience. Would 100% do it again. Being on a bike allowed for stops at the waterfalls where there was no room for vehicles to pull over, and the views from the tunnels under the road were supernatural.” — Tastygrrrl
2. Grand Tetons (Wyoming)
“My vote would be for the Tetons. Holy sh**. The way they just rise up right in front of you when you exit the airport even.” — Bqzs
“Also early in the morning during the winter when the sun is reflecting off the snow along the side of the mountains. I think it’s called alpenglow.” — Fred Foreskin
3. Crater Lake (Oregon)
“On a clear, sunny day, there is no more beautiful place on earth than Crater Lake. Stunning blue water. Mountains all around.” — Commercial-Lawyer1629
“It’s a shade of blue I haven’t seen before or since. Can’t be captured in photographs. Something about it being incredibly clear and deep.” — Cutely Aware
4. Na Pali Coast (Kauai)
“Ludicrous I had to scroll this far to find Na Pali coast. I’ve been to around forty states – there is a LOT of incredibly scenic stuff in the US, but Na Pali is next level.” — BD401
“THIS. Kauai is absolutely beautiful. Taking a helicopter ride over the island is also an amazing sight. You see all the beautiful waterfalls that are a days hike away.” — PamelaThornton13
5. Redwoods (California)
“Drive up 101, and then detour towards Petrolia. There is absolutely nothing like it. Roll down your windows and drive 35mph. Smell the old growth. Stop at the pull out. Take a small hike. It’s worth it.” — Altril2010
6. Big Sur (California)
“Heaven on Earth, in my opinion.” — DriedKitten
“I felt like I was in some computer generated fantasy when I was there. It was just so beautiful and perfect.” — [Deleted]
7. Sequoia National Park (California)
“Paradise Valley in Sequoia NP is a favorite place of mine.” — Driedkitten
8. Mount Rainier (Washington)
“It is so odd and elusive. You come around a corner and BAM, there it is. But from a block away, you wouldn’t know it was there. It takes my breath away. Sitting on the Canyon Road East overpass on 512, you get a great view. I never want the light to change.” — Botryoid2000
9. Yosemite National Park (California)
“Did a hike in Yosemite on January 1 last year. A spectacular way to start the year. I had seen photos of it, seen it in movies, and watched countless videos on YouTube about it, but -nothing- prepares you for the sight of El Cap as you turn that corner. I was very nearly moved to tears.” — ThrustersToFull
“It’s surreal in person, isn’t it? Just majestic.” — SocalRDB
10. New England
“I think it depends on what you like. In my opinion, I like the New England states because I’ve seen pictures of the autumn that they have there. It’s the perfect place for Halloween. I love everything related to horror. And Maine is the state where lots of horror stories from Stephen King books take place.” — Midnight_Wolf89
11. Glacier Bay (Alaska)
“Took a week-long camping trip there one year for the Perseids meteor shower. It’s unreal.” — badatboujie
12. Pictured Rocks (Michigan)
“Unexpectedly incredibly breathtakingly beautiful.” — Immoveablebeast
“Yes! Highly recommend renting a pontoon boat for the day!” — idekmanijustworkhere
13. Badlands (South Dakota)
“There’s never anyone there, and you can hike pretty much the whole place. It’s so peaceful.” — Mayo_Man
14. Lake Tahoe (Nevada)
“Gorgeous.” — Driedkitten
15. Utah’s National Parks
“Zion would be my pick for OP’s question.” — ljg1986
“Utah is so beautiful that they even have the most beautiful license plates. And I say this sitting in coastal California.” — Adin-CA