Few watching the maiden episode of Westworld could have seen the show’s final twist: It was cancelled. A year and change later, there’s still no word on whether there will be some belated finale. (What’s more, HBO poured salt on the wound by removing it from its streamer.) As is, though, there is no proper ending for the show, and it still haunts at least one of its stars to this day.
The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Evan Rachel Wood, who played Dolores Abernathy, the titular park’s oldest host. The actress said that after they shot the Season 4 finale, she asked creators Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan where the show was headed next. They wouldn’t tell her then. And they never did.
“I asked the creators after we got canceled, ‘Can you please just tell me how you’re going to end?’ And they wouldn’t tell me,” Wood recalled, laughing. “I think because, I don’t know, maybe somehow, someway, in some iteration we’ll get to finish it, but I still don’t know. It does still keep me up at night.”
Wood said the way Joy and Nolan always kept everyone was maddening:
“It was devastating in a lot of ways because, first of all, they don’t tell us where the show is going. We were just always told, ‘We know how the show ends,’ when we started,” Wood explains. “They weren’t writing it as we went along. They had an idea, and we were all just on a bed of nails waiting to see and hear what the conclusion of this was. What it all meant.
“We didn’t get to have that and so after building an arc and a character for almost 10 years and not getting the payoff at the end to see where it was all going — I think for us and the audience, it was awful in a lot of ways,” Wood adds.
So that stinks. But who knows? Maybe there’ll be a belated movie à la another prematurely ended HBO program, Deadwood.
(Via THR)