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Alicia Creti’s ‘Self/Less’ Is The Result Of Being Selfish And Putting Yourself First For Once

Alicia Creti press photo 2024
Atlantic Records

Around this time of the year in 2020, things were a lot different for Montreal native Alicia Creti. The then-21-year-old singer was studying finance at Montreal’s Concordia University despite having dreams of being a full-time singer. Four years later, and Creti is now just a couple of weeks away from releasing her debut EP Self/Less.

The upcoming project accounts for the multiple life journeys that brought Creti to this very moment. Whether it’s the up-and-down relationships that are detailed in songs like “Crazy” or the tough conversations she had with both herself and the people close to her. In the end, the upcoming EP’s title track is a moving and eloquently honest ballad that details the unintended effects of being selfish toward one’s desires.

Ahead of the release of Self/Less, Alicia Creti took a moment to talk with Uproxx about her upcoming EP, its latest single, her upcoming tour with Mahalia, and more.

When did you then realize that you could make a career out of your love for music?

It was the beginning of the pandemic, so it was like 2020. I met Amisha Shakar on the internet. I was studying finance at Concordia University in Montreal [and] it was my last year. It’s very strange because I was thinking I had a year left and I was getting anxious in the wrong ways. In my brain, for my entire life, I envisioned myself on a stage. Picturing myself looking into the future, that’s what I saw. It was where I am right now, but what I was actively doing was not that.

My friend convinced me to just post on TikTok and it could go viral. TikTok was a brand new app, so everybody was going viral. It wasn’t like today. I went viral and it got me connected to Amisha. It really just took one person looking at me and being like, “What do you want?” and I was like, “I want to be an artist, I want to make music for the rest of my life.”

In just a couple of sentences can you define “Self/Less” with the way it’s stylized on your new single and explain its meaning?

It’s about a difficult conversation that I had with my brother, essentially just trying to prep him for the fact that I would eventually need to move to LA. It was genuinely one of the hardest conversations that I’ve had because my brother is everything to me. I’ve put him first my entire life and I’ve put everybody first my entire life.

Consequently, I ended up finding myself feeling ultimately self-less. That’s kind of where the concept stemmed from. I was putting everybody before me my whole life and ultimately ended up feeling like I needed an identity. Everything was for other people around me and always being strong for others that I really lost myself. When I started making this project, it was one of the first steps that I took to putting myself first and doing something for me.

It was recently announced that you’ll be opening Mahalia’s In Real Life Tour. What’s something you’re looking forward tour about those run of shows and what’s something you’re nervous about?

I’m looking forward to just being on that stage and I’m so grateful to Mahalia for this opportunity, she’s incredible. I’ve been a fan for a minute. I found her with “Do Not Disturb” and that’s what put me on to her. So the fact that we’re here now is crazy. I’m nervous about being on the road for so long. I’ve never done a tour like this before and I’ve had some issues with my voice during the first year that I was coming to LA. I even got surgery for this because I kept losing my voice. I got sinus and deviated septum surgery. So, I’m a little nervous about losing my voice, but I am prepared for this and I got the vocal warm-ups and the vocal rest that’s gotta happen when we’re driving from one place to another. It’s also a shorter set per night, so it’s not like I’m singing all day long, but that is really my main concern. Making sure that I don’t lose my voice.

What would say is your proudest moment in the process of creating your upcoming project?

I’ve written the project and finished everything and I’ve been sharing it with my family during the process that it was being made. Now we’re finishing the mixes and the masters and that’s when you really see all the songs come to life in their their final form. I’m just proud to be able to share this with my family, especially my nana who’s on one of the tracks on the project. Even sharing this with my brother and my whole family. I think that has been the best moment and all of this, to be honest. It’s brought us closer, I don’t know how we can get closer than we are, I’m close with my family. So yeah, I think that it’s just the connection that the project is allowing for, it’s been really, really special.

What is one message you want to leave with fans as they listen to this song and eventually the Self/Less project?

Don’t let anything hold you back from being your most authentic self, doing what you love, and doing things for you. You have one heart, mind, and soul in this life and it would be a shame if you didn’t put yourself first and I don’t think that it’s selfish at all.

Self/Less is out 2/16 via Atlantic Records. Find out more information here.

Alicia Creti is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.

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We Tried KFC’s Spicy Mac & Cheese Wrap And Woah Boy, Do We Have Some Thoughts

KFC Wrap

Every once in a while, there is a new fast food dish that just stuns me into silence. I take a bite and then just sit for a few minutes, processing the questions running through my mind. “Why did they make this? Who is it for? What other ideas ended up on the cutting room floor so this could hit the menu? Why can’t they just listen to the fans and bring back whatever dish we’ve been complaining about not having?”

They’re not fun thoughts to have. But this is my lot in life as a food reviewer.

I want to bite into a new dish and go “WOW — I need to tell everyone about this!” It’s happened before. I was lucky enough to pick up a Popeyes Chicken Sandwich before the hype caused it to sell out. And I pinky swear that I wanted it to happen with KFC’s new Spicy Mac and Cheese Wrap. Desperately.

A piece of fried chicken wrapped in a tortilla with mac and cheese, a three-cheese blend, and spicy sauce? Get me high then sign me up!

But alas, that’s not what happened. Here is everything wrong with the Spicy Mac and Cheese KFC Wrap.

Spicy Mac & Cheese KFC Wrap

Dane Rivera

Tasting Notes and Thoughts:

As you can tell, this actual wrap doesn’t look even half as good as the press photos would suggest. I don’t even know where to begin here, this dish is just lazy. KFC takes a single extra crispy chicken strip, wraps it in a chalky, undercooked tortilla, adds a minimal amount of mac and cheese, douses it in sauce, and calls it a day. The quality control on this dish is horrendous, I took three bites until I got to the mac and cheese, but the flavor barely registered under the spicy sauce.

All it did was make the dish more mushy.

I’ll give the wrap this: the sauce is great — it has a cayenne pepper flavor with a creamy savory texture, and is a natural pair for the crispy chicken strip, which is also pretty good thanks to its tender texture, and black pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder heavy flavor. Might have the makings of an incredible sandwich there.

But what is the draw in having it wrapped? Or adding mac & cheese?

Dane Rivera

The tortilla is a throwaway, and the amount of mac and cheese is so minimal it might as well not even be there. You’d be better served ordering chicken tenders with a side of mac and cheese. Then you can go nuts dipping the tenders in even more cheese than this wrap provides.

The real draw here is that it’s $5 for two wraps. But while that might seem like a great value, it’s actually not money well spent.

The Bottom Line:

Don’t order this. Not even if you love KFC’s chicken tenders and mac and cheese. Order those together as part of a combo if you want an adequate amount of both foods. Otherwise, you’re essentially just getting a chicken tender in a bad tortilla with an admittedly great tasting sauce.

Find your nearest KFC here.

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End Dry January With This Banging Irish Coffee — Here’s Our Recipe

Irish Coffee

Dry January” is coming to a timely end. But we’re still deep in winter and the weather… isn’t great. The end of alcohol abstinence and cold weather calls for a warming and fun drink that’s a low lift to make. The progenitor of the espresso martini — the Irish Coffee — is perfect for that. It’s vibrant, full of caffeine to keep you going, and has just the right kick of whiskey goodness.

The boozy mix of coffee, alcohol, and whipped cream topping dates back to the coffee houses of Vienna in the 1800s. The drink was wide-ranging — with tons of different alcohols used, depending on the coffee house denizens’ whims — and hugely popular. The version we recognize today traces back to a bar at an airport in Ireland. The mix was served to American tourists in the 1940s arriving in Ireland on a Pan-Am flight after a long trip over the Atlantic. The rest, as they say, is history.

Below, I’m going to break down how to make this deliciously invigorating and creamy drink. It’ll warm you up during the cold winter days and ease you back into “Not Dry February.” Let’s dive in!

Also Read: The Top Five Cocktail Recipes of the Last Six Months

Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee
Zach Johnston


  • 4 oz. espresso
  • 1.5 oz. Irish whiskey
  • 1 oz. heavy cream (32%)
  • Optional: Nutmeg dusting garnish

The key ingredient is Irish whiskey. I’m going a little deeper and using a good Irish-American whiskey, Four Walls. That mixing whiskey uses a nice dose of American rye whiskey, adding a drier and spicier depth than your average honeyed Irish tipple. It truly works wonders with the coffee and cream.

The rest is pretty easy. If you don’t have an espresso machine at home, you can easily grab a double shot from Starbucks and bring it home. Or you can use regular coffee from your machine. You won’t have the same consistency (pure velvet), but you will have a nice drink.

Lastly, I like to use a milk frother for the cream. It gives it the right light airyness without making the cream too dense. You want to be able to easily sip through the cream without it blocking the boozy coffee beneath it. That said, you can use a whipped cream canister in a pinch. But a Milk Frother is like $6 on Amazon — so it’s a worthwhile investment anyway.

Quick note:

Sometimes recipes will call for a half-ounce of simple syrup as a sweetener. I tend to lean away from that as the whiskey is sweet enough. That said, if you really need sweeteners in your coffee, then add a little bar syrup. In the same vein, you can also add flavored sweeteners like hazelnut, cinnamon, cherry, almond, vanilla, or whatever syrup to take the drink in those directions. Just make sure to keep it under a half-ounce.

Irish Coffee
Zach Johnston

What You’ll Need:

  • Irish Coffee mug (or regular 8 oz. mug)
  • Jigger
  • Barspoon
  • Milk frother
Irish Coffee
Zach Johnston


  • Warm the Irish Coffee mug with a hot water rinse.
  • Add the espresso and whiskey to the coffee mug and stir a couple of times.
  • Froth the cream with the milk frother and use the barspoon to add the cream to the top of the coffee, it should naturally float on top of the coffee/whiskey mix.
  • Dust with nutmeg if so inclined. Serve.

Bottom Line:

Irish Coffee
Zach Johnston

This drink just hits perfectly right now. It’s warm and creamy with a nice espresso bite. The frothed cream is easy to drink through and gives you a nice finish of silkiness by the end of the cocktail.

The whiskey shines through nicely and matches the nuttiness of the espresso with a touch of clove, cinnamon, and allspice countered by a soft caramel sweetness. It’s a delightful sipper and pairs amazingly well with a freshly fried glazed doughnut.

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Brittany Howard Is Ready To ‘Prove It To You’ On The Dance Floor By Way Of Her Latest ‘What Now’ Single

Brittany Howard is a bona fide rockstar in her own right, with the Grammy Award wins to back it up. Somehow, she apparently still feels the need to justify her talents to the masses. Her latest single, “Prove It To You,” is Howard’s upbeat response to skeptics.

Having already shared two records (“Red Flags” and the title track) from her forthcoming album, What Now, Howard decided to take an alternate route to her creative destination. Known and rewarded for her brazen rock sound, on “Prove It To You,” Howard shows that she has other infectious sounds up her sleeve.

Flooded with fuzzy notes, a higher BPM, and flirty lyrics such as, “I’ve never been any good at falling in love / I fall so hard I never get up / Don’t hurt me, girl / I can’t take it no more / Makes me ask what I’m doing it for / ‘Cause I love the way you make me feel / I hope I do it for you, baby / All I wanna do is prove it to you,” Howard leave the rockstar life behind her for EDM.

What this music phase is for Howard sounds good on her. Hopefully, she dives more into it on What Now.

Listen to “Prove It To You” above.

What Now is out 2/2 via Island Records/EMI. Find more information here.

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‘Succession’ Star J. Smith-Cameron Explains Why She Once Threw A Martini At Real Life Roman Roy Kieran Culkin

You would think that the cast and crew of Succession would be absolutely sick of each other after long days on set, and they probably were, but they still took the time to hang out outside of work hours. This shows that they were really dedicated actors who also loved a free meal.

But after spending all that time together, they often went at each other’s throats, probably because they were so used to doing that on-camera. J. Smith-Cameron recently told Seth Meyers the story of when she threw a drink on co-star Keiran Culkin because he “was asking for it.” To be fair, he probably was, because that’s his pattern.

Cameron-Smith, who played Gerri on the show, described the ordeal by saying that Culkin was the one who started it. “It was one evening after a table reading, and we all went to dinner. He was just riding me the whole time, like being horrid,” Smith-Cameron recalled on The Late Show With Seth Meyers.

She continued, “Like, if I couldn’t hear something that was said that everyone was laughing about at the other end of the table and I’d be like, ‘What’d he say? What’d he say?’ [and] he’d be like, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, dear. Did you forget your hearing aids?’ Or, like, if I yawned, he’d be like, ‘Is it past your bedtime? That’s so terrible,’” she said. Basically, he was acting like every middle schooler you’ve ever met.

Finally, the actress had enough and did what any good Succession character would do and lashed out. “I just threw my martini at him. He was asking for it.” She even had photographic evidence of the ordeal, which features Culkin drenched in a martini.

You can watch Smith-Cameron tell the story on Late Night above, and then you can watch Roman being bullied by his siblings here, just for comparison.

(Via EW)

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LCD Soundsystem Have A Couple Residencies And Other One-Off Concerts Lined Up For 2024

James Murphy LCD Soundsystem 2022
Getty Image

Remember when LCD Soundsystem had their massive “farewell” concert at Madison Square Garden in 2011? Welp, the finality of that show ended up being overstated, as the band reunited a few years later and even dropped a new album in 2017, American Dream (not to be confused with the just-released 21 Savage album).

They’ve done a fair amount of performing live since then, and if you’re looking to see them in 2024, the band announced a handful of fresh dates for the new year. The run includes stops in Mexico; Bend, Oregon; Seattle; Minneapolis; and Chicago; along with previously announced shows in Mexico City and Salt Lake City.

There are 12 new shows in total, and tickets for them go on sale starting February 2 at 10 a.m. local time. Find more information on the band’s website, and check out the list of dates below.

LCD Soundsystem 2024 Tour Dates

03/21 — Guadalajara, MX @ Teatro Estudio Guanamor
03/22 — Guadalajara, MX @ Teatro Estudio Guanamor
03/24 — Mexico City, MX @ Ceremonia
05/12 — Salt Lake City, UT @ Kilby Block Party
05/14 — Bend, OR @ Hayden Homes Amphitheater
05/16 — Seattle, WA @ Paramount Theatre
05/17 — Seattle, WA @ Paramount Theatre
05/18 — Seattle, WA @ Paramount Theatre
05/19 — Seattle, WA @ Paramount Theatre
05/22 — Minneapolis, MN @ The Armory
05/24 — Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom
05/25 — Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom
05/26 — Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom
05/27 — Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom

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Sydney Sweeney Is Humbled By Hot Sauce In The Unedited Footage From Her ‘Hot Ones’ Episode

There’s a good chance you’ve already watched Sydney Sweeney’s episode of Hot Ones. It was viewed over one million times in less than 24 hours. But you probably haven’t seen the behind-the-scenes footage.

“pov: the unedited behind the scenes look at sydney sweeney’s reaction to the wildest sauce on hot ones,” a video on First We Feast’s TikTok account reads. In it, the Euphoria actress tries Da Bomb Beyond Insanity (“Warning: This one made Gordon Ramsey cry on live television!” the product description reads). Sweeney’s initial reaction is that the sauce “tastes good,” which is apparently a first in Hot Ones history. But then, things take a turn.

The Sydney Sweeney who wondered when she’s “supposed to taste the spice” is gone. She’s now in pain and asking asking “why is this happening?”

You can watch the TikTok below.


sydney sweeney on hot ones is out nowwwww 🔥 #sydneysweeney #hotones

♬ original sound – Firstwefeast

Elsewhere in the video, Sweeney talks about the disgusting hot tub scene on Euphoria. “They had to get a pump and they had this pipe that they just taped and hid on my body and then they CGI-ed it out [and] up my neck,” she explained. “And there was a horse bit that I had to put in my mouth so during that scene, they’re filling my mouth with throw-up. And then I open my mouth and it just starts shooting out of my mouth.”

It’s probably how she felt after trying Da Bomb.

(Via First We Feast)

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Community raises $85K to pay off lunch debt for students who’d be served cheese sandwiches

School lunch debt is a big problem in the United States with nearly 30 million students unable to afford meals. An Education Data survey found that the average school meal debt in the U.S. is $180.60 per student.

The problem with school lunch debt is that it hurts in 2 ways. It puts children in the position of being shamed and humiliated for not having the money, leading many to skip lunch altogether. It also places a burden on school districts that have to pay off the debt.

The City Schools of Decatur in Georgia announced that kids with unpaid lunch debt would be served an “alternative meal” of a cheese sandwich and milk starting February 1. Middle and high school students would be served the sandwich after accumulating $10.50 in lunch debt and elementary students after they crossed the $9.75 threshold.

The district created the rule because the city had accumulated $88,000 in debt from unpaid lunches.

News about the cheese sandwich went viral, causing outrage among many who believed the children were being shamed for a situation beyond their control.

After the news went viral, Goodr CEO and Atlanta-area resident Jasmine Crowe-Houston set up a GoFundMe campaign to help raise money to pay off the school district’s debt so every child can have a nutritious meal.

Goodr is a national network united to help eliminate food waste and end world hunger.

I’ve launched a #GoFundMe to eliminate unpaid meal balances for kids at Decatur City Schools. No child should face embarrassment over a meal. Let’s ensure every child enjoys lunch with dignity. 🍎 

“No child should ever go hungry or be subjected to unnecessary embarrassment due to financial constraints. I believe that every child deserves a full, nutritious meal to fuel their bodies and minds for a successful day of learning,” Crowe-Houston wrote on the GoFundMe page.

“That’s why I’ve launched this GoFundMe campaign with the goal of raising $88,000 to eliminate the meal account balances for all students in need,” she continued. “Your generous contributions will directly impact these children, allowing them to enjoy a well-rounded meal like their peers and alleviating any potential embarrassment they may face.”

Just as the story about the cheese sandwiches caught the public’s attention, so did the plan to stop them. The GoFundMe page raised the money necessary to cancel the school lunch debt in just 2 days.

“My hands are shaking as I write this update this morning,” Crowe Houston wrote on GoFundMe. “My heart is overwhelmed with emotion, astonishment, and gratitude as I wake up to the incredible news that we’ve achieved our goal in under 48 hours! We can pay off all the meal balances and no cheese sandwiches!”

But after that announcement, Crowe-Houston learned that a corporate foundation had already stepped in to eliminate the school lunch debt. The Goodr CEO offered the money to the district to provide a fund for future lunch-debt problems the students may face, but the donation was declined.

The cheese sandwich story is a beautiful example of a community standing up to provide essential nutrition for children. However, it does raise an even larger question that begs to be answered: in the wealthiest country in the world, should school lunch debt even exist in the first place?

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People share their biggest job ‘oopsies’ and it’s a celebration of human imperfection at work

Nobody wants to mess up in their jobs, especially in a way that’s highly visible or embarrassing, but it happens even to the best of us.

And while it may not take away the red-faced embarrassment that inevitably follows a major mistake, it is always good to hear that other people have royally screwed up at work, too.

That’s why a 2021 tweet from HBO Max’s helpdesk about an intern sending a blank test email prompted a celebration of human imperfection as people shared their own biggest work “oopsies.”

The original post on X read, “We mistakenly sent out an empty test email to a portion of our HBO Max mailing list this evening. We apologize for the inconvenience, and as the jokes pile in, yes, it was the intern. No, really. And we’re helping them through it.” The ended their message with a heart emoji.

Responses to the tweet included a flood of “Dear intern,” messages with people sharing encouraging words and personal faux pas, such as the 37-year-old woman who realized she’d accidentally been putting her menstrual cycle start on the company’s work calendar.

Swipe through for more:

The share of the MaxHelp thread on Upworthy’s Instagram inspired even more people to share their work mistakes.

Here’s a sampling of the oh-so-very-human stories people shared:

“Sent a press release with Pittsburgh Pubic Schools in the headline.”

“I was in charge of creating tags for a local grocery chain. I proudly typed up ‘Colgate Cum Comfort Toothbrush.’ It should’ve said ‘gum comfort.’ This tag went to 200+ stores. I came in late the day after they hit stores and couldn’t figure out why I had roughly 80 emails. After dying inside at least 3x, I finally went to my boss to apologize. She was laughing harder than I expected. I was 30. I had been there for 5yrs. This tag is now framed in my living room.”

“I once worked for a large, very high quality (and high fees) childcare company…many of our parents were high profile people. I sent an email to an entire centre with over 700 families telling them about some new activities we had planned for the Tiny Tits room…instead of the Tiny Tots room. Thankfully most the parents had a sense of humor about it 😂😂

“I made a huge mistake at work yesterday and informed my boss via email. He never responded, and I was nervous all night. This morning, he sent me a quick email in response: ‘Do not worry about this… we will fix it together when I come in.’ Not only did his kind response make me feel much better, but he ended up screwing up even worse than I had lol it was great.”

N”ot an electronic mistake but – my first night as a waitress I dropped a hot fudge sundae on a man’s lap and proceeded to grab a rag and wipe his crotch to get the whip cream off. It took me a few seconds to realize what I was doing and the whole table was laughing at me but I thought I would die. I did get a decent tip out of it, though. 😂

“I once worked for a visitor’s center in a small town. I was in charge of mailing out a monthly calendar to the community of the different groups in town. I put that ‘Bikers Against Child Support’ we’re in town for a weekend rally. The name of the group is ‘Bikers Against Child Abuse.’ I found out when a couple of big names in the community got their calendar and called my boss. Everyone laughed at the mistake and the biker group got a kick out of it. I haven’t worked there in 15 years and it is still brought up each year at their rally.”

“I work for a rock radio station in Canada and once deleted ALL of the Canadian music out of the system. On a Friday. At 4:30. Good times. Still employed though!”

“Dear Intern, I did a search and delete for soft returns in a word doc and when I reviewed it with the lead engineers at Hewlett-Packard they noted 17 instances of the word penis inserted, where it should have been pen is inserted.”

“Dear Intern, I once sent out a confidential email about an upcoming stock plan to all our European employees. I was a 33 year old lawyer. We all survived and you will too. 😘

“Dear Intern, I used to type retail ads for our local newspaper. One ad was for part-time work, and I didn’t find out until it was published in the paper that I had typed the heading as ‘Fart Time’. A local radio DJ took it upon himself to shout that out far and wide. He thought it was hilarious. I was mortified. However… no one actually knew I made the typo except my immediate co-workers. (Thank God.) But afterward, the owner of the advertising agency withdrew all of her commercial time from the radio station because of it, so, he lost out, and I was vindicated. 😏 🙌

People loved reading through all the examples of humans not being perfect and others being understanding and compassionate about it:

“I ❤️❤️❤️ this. Let’s normalize making mistakes. We all do it. So nice to see humans uplifting other humans dealing with their human-ness.”

“Without the mistake, all these very genuine human connections would not be possible.”

“So much humanity and compassion…Am i living in a parallel world? I even smiled sincerely.”

Here’s to us all being being human, in all our embarrassingly imperfect glory.

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After Bills kicker flubbed a big kick, fans and Swifties donate $270K to his cat charity

It can be a tough life being an NFL kicker. You can wind up the hero or the goat when the game is on the line. The problem in today’s sports world is that when athletes have troubles on the field, they are often the target of aggressive bullying on social media.

On Saturday, January 21, Buffalo Bills kicker Tyler Bass missed the 44-yard tying field goal in the Divisional Playoff game against the Kansas City Chiefs, which ended up costing them the game.

“It’s completely on me,” he told reporters after the game. “I’ve got to do a better job of getting through to my target. I’ve got to do a better job of playing it a little bit more left when you have a left to right [wind]. I’ve been here long enough to know that you have to do that.”

After the game, Bass became the target of online harassment and death threats. He has since shut down his social media profiles.

News of Bass’s treatment inspired a diverse group of fanbases to come together to show people the right way to treat players who are the subject of extreme criticism: you do something positive.

Bass supported the Ten Lives Club, a non-profit charity that saves abandoned and homeless cats in the western New York area. “He wanted to help rescue cats, and Tyler took photos with our rescue cats and we were so excited. It’s not every day that a Bills player helps our cats, so we were so grateful to Tyler,” Kimberly LaRussa of Ten Lives Club said, according to WGRZ.

The kicker and his fiancée are cat owners.

To show their support, members of the Bills Mafia (the nickname of Buffalo’s colorful fan base) called upon one another to donate to Ten Lives Club.

Even though the missed kick propelled the Chiefs to the AFC Championship game, members of the Chiefs Kingdom stepped up to donate money in support of Bass, too. Then, one of the world’s most passionate and active fan bases, Taylor Swift’s “Swifties,” joined in asking for donations as well.

Taylor Swift is currently dating Chief’s star tight end Travis Kelce. She was at the game when Bass missed the kick.

“There are a lot of Swiftie groups out there that are rallying and donating on behalf of Tyler Bass,” LaRussa told the Today Show. According to WKBW, the non-profit has received over $270,000 in donations in support of Bass.

It’s beautiful to see people supporting Bass when he is dealing with public scrutiny and healing after a heartbreaking loss. But the actions of the Bills Mafia, Chiefs Kingdom and Swifties will make a massive difference in the lives of countless cats for many years to come as well.

“Ten Lives Club saves 3,000 homeless and abandoned cats in need a year, so this will make an incredible difference for our organization,” LaRussa told People earlier this week. “We are so grateful to everyone for their support and for having Tyler’s back. We hope this brings him a smile, knowing what a difference he is making.”