The Cobra Kai cast is currently filming the sixth and final season of the runaway Netflix series. The streaming service chose to reveal that Martin Kove’s Kreese will return because you don’t let a character bust out of prison in this heightened universe and not follow up on that. Additionally, Billy Zabka (Johnny) will be in fighting form again, and most of the rest of the ensemble cast has been confirmed to appear for this last karate hurrah (as far as this series goes).
A few weeks ago, Netflix also revealed this behind-the-scenes image of cameras beginning to roll, and it looked like most of the gang was present.
Or not?
Devotees of Jacob Bertrand’s Hawk, however, were quick to realize that he wasn’t pictured. This, of course, caused some alarm and might have caused people to fear the worst (Hawk being kidnapped and having his head shaved again, perhaps).
Well, never fear. Xolo Maridueña (Miguel) stepped up to answer that question and provide proof that not only does Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz make his presence known, but he grew back that mohawk in blue.
It’s a good color for him. Now, why didn’t Bertrand appear in the full cast photo? Perhaps Bertrand was — as with the table read — running a wee bit late. It’s all good, though, as long as we see the rest of Cobra Kai this year.