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Bus driver comes to the rescue for boy who coudn’t afford outfit for school’s Pajamas Day

On the morning just before Valentine’s Day, school bus driver Larry Farrish Jr. noticed something amiss with Levi, one of his first grade passengers, on route to Engelhard Elementary, part of Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) in Louisville, Kentucky.

On any other day, the boy would greet Farrish with a smile and a wave. But today, nothing. Levi sat down by himself, eyes downcast, no shining grin to be seen. Farrish knew something was up, and decided to inquire.

With a “face full of tears,” as described on the JCPS website, Levi told Farrish that today was “Pajama Day” at school, but he didn’t have any pajamas to wear for the special occasion.

“It hurt me so bad,” Farrish told JCPS. “That just wasn’t my Levi, and I wanted him to have a good day. No child should have to miss out on something as small as pajama day.”

Determined to turn Levi’s mood around, Farrish went straight to a nearby dollar store after his route, bought a few pairs of pajamas, and dropped them off at the front office for Levi to come pick up.

Levi was “ecstatic” after getting his surprise, saying, “I can tell Mr. Larry is nice and his heart is filled with joy…When he got me the pajamas, I did a happy cry.”

And after JCPS shared Farrish’s good deed onto their Facebook page, others shared in the joy incited by the bus driver’s simple act of kindness. Many even implied that this was just one of many examples of Farrish’s character.

“Mr. Larry is the absolute best. We were blessed with him as our bus driver for 4 years. Top notch human,” one person wrote.

Another added, “We need more Larrys in this world.”

Since Farrish’s story found its way into the spotlight, he’s had some happy tears of his own.

“For people to actually be able to find me and reach out on behalf of such a small gesture, it made me cry,”

he told JCPS. “It feels good knowing I made an impact on a child’s life.”

The stereotypical “grumpy bus driver” might be an image we’re all familiar with, but many bus drivers, Farrish included, are passionate about what they do, and strive to be a positive influence in their students’ lives.

“They become my kids after they leave their parents,” he said. “I make sure they get to and from school safe, but I also try to bring some type of joy to their lives.”

Here’s to all the bus drivers like Farrish who go above and beyond to not just do their job, but make an impact. It sets an example that kids are sure to never forget.