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‘SNL’ Cold Open Dragged Republican Wimps For Surrendering The Party To Trump Again

Remember when Donald Trump was toast? He’d dined with anti-Semites, his business was found guilty of fraud, he’d launched a scammy line of NFTs. The Republican Party thought they could finally move on. What a difference a year and change makes. Now he’s improbably back on top, spewing nonsense and dodgy garbage like it was 2020 or 2016 all over again. And so, on the most recent SNL, they gave prime real estate to dragging Republican wimps for letting this crap happen once more.

The show’s Cold Open found four Republican senators — Jim Risch (Mikey Day), Marco Rubio (Marcello Hernandez), Lindsey Graham (James Austin Johnson), and Tim Scott (Devon Walker) — having a victory lap meal after Trump’s win in South Carolina. They proceeded to whine about how the former president is again causing chaos, only to then praise him to the hills.

“Sometimes I do not know what my party is doing,” Day’s Risch said. “I mean, I’ve been pushing for Ukraine funding for the past six months. It’s essential to American security. And Trump just killed it with one phone call. The man doesn’t care about this country one iota. Sometimes I think he’s downright dangerous.”

“And you just endorsed him, right?” asked Hernandez’s Rubio.

“Yeah. Big time. Big time,” Risch shot back. “He’s great.”

Risch brought up that Trump called Rubio “Little Marco.”

“I’ve never been able to shake it,” Rubio said. “People still yell at me in airports. He kind of made my life hell.”

“And you endorsed him, right?” asked Risch. Of course he did.

Later Johnson’s Graham brought up that Trump doxed him back in 2015, giving out his personal cellphone number at a speech. “Had thousands of his people call me up to yell at me, threatening my life,” he recalled. “Had to get a new phone!”

Well, look at him now.

Graham let slip that he’s worried Trump will never go away, that “sometimes I think his ass is gonna live 1,000 years.” But that didn’t stop the group from praising him, one calling him “the greatest president since Reagan,” another since Lincoln.”

So which repeat will this be? Will Trump and the GOP win like in 2016, or will they flame out as in 2020 yet still continue to make the nation worse? For now, though, we can laugh at how the Republican Party has turned into a bunch of wimps.

You can watch the sketch in the video above.