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Mom who lost her 3-year-old at a play place, saved by remembering this TikTok hack

Nothing strikes fear in a parent’s heart, like realizing their child is missing. It happened to Krista Piper Grundey, 36, on a recent trip to a play place with her 2 kids. The good news is she was able to locate her daughter quickly because she kept calm and remembered a viral TikTok hack from 3 years ago.

She was with her children in a play place that “runs the entire length of a giant science museum,” she said in her viral TikTok video.

“So I end up going the opposite direction of where she actually ended up. So I thought she didn’t go past me, so she must have gone to a water table or something because she loves water. She wasn’t down there, so at that point, I’m starting to panic,” Grundey revealed.

Grundey then grabbed her son and went to find the young girl.


I lost my 3 year old todah in a play place and thank god for tiktok – I’m so happy i saw that tiktok of what to do when your kid goes missing. I found her fast by raising my voice and saying a description of what she was wearing. Should have added her age or hair color but the description if little girl with pink minnie mouse shirt got thr job done finding her. #parents #parentsoftiktok #playplace

She called out her daughter’s name to try to get her attention, but then she had a light bulb moment. She remembered a TikTok she had seen over a year ago. “It was of a mom that had lost her kid in, I believe, a grocery store, and instead of yelling out the kid’s name, she yelled out the description of what the child was wearing and she was able to find her kid way faster,” she said.

She began yelling, “Little girl, pink Minnie Mouse shirt!” Other moms began repeating the description, and one of them found her.

“Hopefully, this reaches other parents that, if you are in the situation, should out your kid’s description. You will find them faster,” Grundey said.

This isn’t the first woman who’s gone viral for using the hack. Two years ago, Upworthy highlighted a woman in New Zealand who lost her son in a department store but was able to locate him because she remembered the parenting hack.

When the woman realized her two-year-old son Nathan was missing, she said it was the “scariest 10 minutes of my life.”

But then she remembered a parenting hack she saw on TikTok by blogger Jess Martini. “If your child goes missing, screw the stares and start calling out their description,” the mother recalled.

“I’m missing a little boy. He’s wearing a yellow shirt and has brown hair. He’s two years old and his name is Nathan!” she called out to the rest of the store and her son was located almost immediately.

The lost-child hack became popular after a TikTok video posted by Jess Martini in 2021.

PSA that I feel can save kids and I’ve used- if your child goes missing in public 


PSA that I feel can save kids and I’ve used- if your child goes missing in public #momsoftiktok #PSA #nojudgement #fyp #4up #besafe #parentsoftiktok

“To all parents out there, if your child goes missing, do not search in silence or just call out their name,’ Martini says in the video. “Shout out loud and clear. Say they’re missing, give a description and repeat, repeat, repeat!”

“Everyone will be on alert, and if someone is trying to take off with your kid, it will decrease the chances of them getting away,” she added.

These stories are a great reminder to always remember what your child is wearing when you’re out and about with them. That way you can quickly describe how to find them if they ever wander off. These stories are also a heartwarming reminder that when a parent needs assistance, there are always kind-hearted people are ready to help.

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People can’t believe a wavy brick wall uses fewer bricks than a straight one, but it’s true

If you were to draw a straight line and a wavy line from point A to point B, there would be no question which one used more ink. After all, “The shortest distance between two points (on a flat surface) is a straight line” has been baked into our brains since elementary school math class. Logically, a wavy line uses more ink because it covers more distance, right? Right.

So if that’s true, how is it possible that a brick wall built in a wavy pattern could use fewer bricks than a straight one built between the exact same two points?

Not only is it possible, it’s actually true, despite people’s disbelief over the fact.

A post on X from @InternetHOF shows the claim that “corrugated brick fences” sometimes seen in England use fewer bricks than a straight wall, with the caption, “I don’t believe this is true.”

It does seem illogical from a pure geometry-on-paper standpoint, but what makes it true is how the structural integrity of brick walls works.

There are all kinds of nitty-gritty calculations a structural engineer could get into to explain, but thankfully, internet hero (and strangely popular X account) Greg came to everyone’s rescue with an explanation that neatly fit into a single post on X.

“They’re called crinkle crankles,” wrote Greg. “A single leaf wall over that distance would need brick piers approx every 1.5-2m if it was a retaining wall it would need to be at least 9” wide (2 bricks). The crinkle crankle has more strength due to it’s curved nature so can be 4” wide or a single leaf of bricks.

“For the maths if we can assume they’re true semi-circles then each semi circle would be 1/2piD or 1.57D whereas a double leaf wall would be 2D for the same length D.

“Therefore using 21.5% less bricks than a double leaf wall hope that clears things up.”

In even simpler terms, a long, straight brick wall only a single brick wide would not be able to stand without some kind of buttresses every couple of meters, which would actually take more bricks to build. Otherwise, it would need to be thicker, which would also increase the number of bricks needed. The curve of the crinkle crankle (best name ever) provides stability all on its own, so the wall doesn’t need structured supports.

serpentine brick wall next to a bunch of daffodils

First of all, what a cool piece of human ingenuity that people actually figured this out hundreds of years ago. And second of all, why are there not more crinkle crankle walls everywhere? So much more fun and whimsical. And apparently, a better use of resources.

But before you go building your own crinkle crankle wall to make your house look super cool, make sure you’ve got the geometry correct. There are actual specifications for making a structurally sound serpentine wall, and if you don’t do it correctly, you may find yourself with a pile of bricks and no wall, curvy or straight.

If you want to see some cool crinkle crankle walls in the U.S., head to the University of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson himself added them to the design of the Charlottesville, Virginia, campus.

wavy brick wall separating a grassy area and a driveway

More crinkle crankles everywhere, please.

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David and Victoria Beckham recreate their iconic ‘Be Honest’ moment for the Super Bowl

No one could have predicted that one tiny moment in David Beckham’s docuseries would end up taking the internet by storm.

The moment I’m alluding to is, of course, the hilarious exchange between Beckham and his wife Victoria, when she tried to go against her “Posh Spice” alter ego by insisting that she, just like her husband, “grew up working class.”

Only Beckham wasn’t having it, as he peeked behind the door to demand she “be honest,” which eventually led to his wife admitting her dad drove her to school in a very not working class Rolls Royce.

This cheeky interaction gave fans a rare glimpse into the fun, not-so-picture-perfect parts of the power couple’s relationship, which no doubt helped make the moment so iconic.

Since then the bit has turned into a running gag. Beckham even poked fun at Victoria as he posted a photo of their family eating a clearly expensive New Year’s lunch to Instagram.

In the caption, he wrote: “Just a nice casual New Year’s Eve lunch at The Ritz ❤️ @victoriabeckham Very working class 😂 My mother & father in law left in there Roll’s 🤎”


Both David and Victoria seem okay to laugh at themselves, and even agreed to recreate the viral head-to-head in a new online ad for Uber Eats.

In the clip, we see the former Spice girl went the extra mile by wearing a t-shirt that says “My dad had a Rolls Royce.” Which apparently could be yours at the low, low price of $150, if it weren’t sold out.

“So David and I are going to be in a little commercial,” she says before Beckham interrupts with his now classic “be honest.”

Hilarious banter ensues before Victoria reveals that the little commercial is actually a Super Bowl ad, one that they’ll be doing with Jennifer Aniston. Or “Jessica Aniston”, in this case, which keeps to the theme of them forgetting a few details here and there. Making the teaser’s caption “Whatever you forget this Sunday, remember Uber Eats” that more spot on.

Pretty great, right? Other seemed to think so. Just check out some of the comments pulled from Youtube:

“OMG!!!! Just perf, so funny! Love the Beckhams!!”

“Whose idea was this? They deserve a raise!”

“Beyond brilliant! Just beyond!”

“This is how you do it! Absolutely lovely and funny. Adorable couple.”

“Love love love.”

Keep your eyes peeled for this commercial, among many others, during The Swift and Kelce Bowl, aka the Super Bowl, which airs on Sunday, Feb. 11 at 6:30 pm EST.

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People are pointing out ‘green flags’ and telling Hinge to hire this couple for marketing

When dating someone we are often told to look for red flags that help us know that this person may not be the best partner. Recently, there’s been a push to start looking for green flags, which are signs that the person you’re dating will make a good partner. Green flags can be really subtle things and in a recent interview on the Meet Cutes NYC account on TikTok, one guy shows so many green flags he’s got people questioning if they’re on the wrong dating app.

Meet Cutes NYC uploads videos of them stopping random people who appear to be couples and ask them if they are indeed dating. Joaquim and Tara happen to be the lucky couple to get stopped for an interview and immediately Joaquim emits green flag energy according to TikTokker Jordan_the_Stallion8.

“Firstly, he was doing the sidewalk rule by where you’r supposed to walk on the outside part of the sidewalk that’s facing the street while your partner walks on the inside part. Secondly, as they’re walking and someone approaches them, immediately he gets protective, he gets defensive,” Jordan says. “He was defesive until they were asked a question about how they first met and then the excitement that he had because he had the opportunity to talk about his partner.”

People in the comments of the original video were also gushing over Joaquim’s reaction and responses. When the couple mentions they met on Hinge, a popular dating app, people started to wonder what Hinge the couple were talking about. Some even going as far as to demand that the app use them in their marketing campaigns.

“Dude went from aggressive to lover boy,” someone writes.

“He was so New York in the beginning and then turned to a puppy talking about his love, protect that man,” another says.

“This man, is THE man. Sidewalk rule, protective until threats assessed, and proudly in love. King,” one commenter recognizes.

“Am I on a different Hinge or what,” someone jokes.

“Hinge marketing team better do something with this for real,” a commenter declares.


Love’s Refreshing #meetcute #hingepartner #hinge #howcouplesmeet #love #nyc #streetinterview #foryou #foryoupage #fyp

It’s beyond clear that Joaquim loves Tara even telling the interviewer, “I have no idea how I lived all these years without her.” The couple seem extremely supportive and proud of each other and now they’ve got an entire internet community rooting for their continued success.

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Rick Astley covered Foo Fighters’ ‘Everlong’ and it’s shockingly great

Rick Astley has to be the luckiest ’80s musician on the planet. The whole “Rickrolling” phenomenon has given his hit song “Never Gonna Give You Up” a reach far beyond its natural life span, and kept the guy a household name far longer than he probably would have been.

(For those who are unfamiliar, Rickrolling is when you make someone think they’re being sent to a website, but the link goes to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” video instead as a joke. It’s a silly viral bait-and-switch gag that’s been going since 2006.)

But what people may not realize, because his most famous song has become an internet joke, is that Rick Astley is actually a really freaking great musician. The man can saaaang and it seems he’s only gotten better with age.

If you were to choose the most unlikely combo of musical mashups, it might just be Rick Astley and Foo Fighters. Right? Like who would put them together?

Oddly enough, they put themselves together in 2017, when Foo Fighters brought Astley on stage during a concert to sing “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl even created his own Rickroll-inspired meme, the Dave G’Roll, with the band’s song “Best of You.” So there’s a history there.

But nothing has been more surprising than hearing Rick Astley do an acoustic cover of Foo Fighters’ “Everlong.” It’s so good. Like, so good.

Not to knock Rick Astley of the 1980s, but that strangely deep voice on a young man was sort of his signature thing. Ergo, you’d think it would be easy to recognize Astley’s voice no matter what he was singing. But you’d be wrong. If you close your eyes and listen to this, you’d likely never guess it was Rick Astley.

Maybe it’s because the song itself isn’t something you expect from the “Never Gonna Give You Up” guy. Maybe it’s because you had no idea that Rick Astley was still making music. Who knows. All I know is that my jaw dropped watching him knock out an awesome version of a grungey rock song with just his voice and acoustic guitar.

Seriously, that was amazing, right? Even hardcore Foo Fighters fans gave Astley props in the comments:

“As a huge Foo Fighters fan, all I can say is this cover didn’t let me down.”

“Tbh I could listen to a whole album of Rick Astley doing grunge covers.”

“Are you kidding me?????? That voice from the 80’s… And one of the greatest numbers of all times…. Didn’t think you could pull that of…. But you did….. Respect to you Rick.”

And, of course, some had to make jokes:

“I love this cover. It feels like the singer is never going to give you up or never gonna let you down. He doesn’t run around and desert you. He will never make you cry and never say goodbye. He doesn’t tell a lie and hurt you. I think that is special.”

“This guy should stop making memes and stick to music! He’s got talent!”

“I’m glad he’s never given up. This did not let me down.”

But this comment perhaps best summed up what most of us walked away thinking:

“God now I feel bad that we’ve ridden on Rick Rolling for so long that we missed the part where Rick Astley is actually a badass musician…”

This article first appeared on 4.4.22.

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Poet says he won’t let his sons play with dolls and women are tearfully praising the message

Usually, when you hear a man say he doesn’t want his son to play with dolls, you have a pretty good idea of what beliefs sit beneath the sentiment. It’s not unreasonable to assume that some combination of misogyny, homophobia and problematic ideas about masculinity are at play in such an attitude.

That’s why an unexpected turn in Demetri Manabat’s spoken word poem, “Barbie,” caught people’s attention.

Manabat referred to “Barbie” as “a poem about dolls” in the caption of a TikTok video showing him performing it on stage. He opens the poem with a provocative statement: “My sons will never play with dolls. In fact, I refuse to let my sons play with dolls.”

He goes on to explain that if he ever catches his son with a Barbie or a Bratz doll or a Polly Pocket or Cabbage Patch, he would set them straight, “knowing that’s not how God intended” for men to act.

The audience sits quietly through all of this, and a heavy pause lets them stew in his words. But then the twist comes as Manabat explains the why behind his feelings about his sons playing with dolls, and it’s one heck of a gut punch with an absolutely knock-out last line.

Watch, all the way to the end:


“Barbie” A poem about dolls. I hope you enjoy. Much Much Love Always & Forever Demetri #barbie #poetry #doll #spokenword #writing #writer #lasvegas

Is it any wonder the video has been liked over nearly a million times in three days on TikTok alone?

People in the comments were as expressive about their feelings as some of the live audience members who called out during the poem.

“I was like booooy, you better be goin somewhere with this, and yall he WENT somewhere,” wrote one commenter.

“This is one of those poems you have to stick around for. I hope millions stick around for it, sir,” wrote another.

One commenter simply wrote “*deletes paragraph*” as a joke about how they were initially responding to the poem when it began. Another wrote “*trust the algorithm, trust the algorithm*” in a similar vein.

Lots of people shared the lines that hit them particularly hard.

“‘My boys will not make toys out of women.’ This is a very amazing and beautiful piece. More people need to hear it,” wrote one person.

“Treated like a woman well before she was one but never taken seriously long after she became one” has me in tears,” shared another.

“‘Stretch marks tattooed across her skin as a result of reaching so far across the universe she bridged heaven and earth.'” another wrote.

“‘Is the child inside of her not dying, too’ felt like everything just got knocked out of me. That was one of the strongest lines I’ve ever heard,” shared nother.

Poetry has the power to speak truth in a way that helps us understand ourselves and our world better, and spoken word poetry in particular, with its rhythmic storytelling, is a powerful tool for synthesizing complex thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Manabat could have said, “Without understanding the true value of women in real life, boys playing with dolls could symbolize men seeing women as plastic playthings to be handled and controlled and casually tossed aside,” but that wouldn’t have been nearly as effective as the picture he painted with his poetry and that last line—”My boys will not make toys out of women, so I refuse to let them play with dolls until they actually understand the difference between the two.” Phew.

Here’s to the poets who put humanity into words, and here’s to conscientious men who give voice to the struggle too many women have endured for generations.

You can follow Demetri Manbat on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and X.

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Woman creates detailed list of things men ‘should’ be doing for their postpartum wives

Bringing a baby into the world can be a dream come true for many women. But that bliss is quickly compromised by the physical and emotional toll caused by the postpartum phase.

During this time, when hormones are raging and focus is compromised and energy is practically nonexistent—all while trying to recover from extreme physical transformations and keeping a newborn alive—having partner support is more important than ever.

That’s what makes one woman’s detailed list of things husbands (or just the partner who didn’t not deliver the baby, really) can do to help support mom moms through postpartum such an important read.

In a clip posted to her TikTok, Melissa Messer noted that her list was still the “bare minimum” of what she thinks men “should” be doing during the postpartum phase in order to really show support. But the list was comprehensive nonetheless.

To start, Messer stated that two different water bottles should be filled for mom at all times — her water bottle and her peri bottle. One for hydration, the other for comfort.

postpartum care

“Okay, first and arguably most important is that water bottles should always be filled with ice water. Like, don’t even let it get to the point where she has to ask. Just have that thing ready. Another thing that should be filled without them having to think about is their peri bottle that they’re using to heal,” she said.

And that’s not the only healing product that should be at the ready. Messer also suggested that there be a constant stockpile of pads, disposable underwear and Tucks pads. That way moms “don’t even have to think about it when they go into the bathroom.”

Since emotional support is also part of the job, Messer gave a tip for what to do during late night feedings, which can be “lonely” for their postpartum partner.

“I know, at night, it’s like, ‘What can I do? Like I can’t feed the baby if she’s breastfeeding.’ Wake up in the middle of the night for moral support, you know?” she suggested, which brought her into her next point: “Tell her she’s a good mom, at least three times a day minimum.”

Next up: domestic chores, like laundry, housework, changing diapers, etc., so that mom can “shower and nap.” though Messer noted that “that’s kind of like a given,” especially if this is the couple’s first child.

For families that already do have kids, Messer said that responsibilities might change a bit, and might require more attention towards the older kids.

“You should be doing everything with the other kids. Checking in and asking if mom needs anything, even though you’re with the other kids the whole time,” she explained.

She also added that with multiple kids the house is more likely to be messy, but it should never get “completely overwhelming.”

Last but certainly not least, Messer encouraged husbands to be “extra nice” to their wives, and even get them a “special treat” from time to time. Because “there is so much that moms are going through that guys are never gonna experience.”

@melissmesser Clearly i feel strongly about the water bottle LMAO #greenscreen #momsoftiktok #POSTPARTUM #postpartumrecovery #postpartumjourney #pregnancytiktok #pregnancy #postpartumlife #postpartumsupport #postpartumbody #postpartum ♬ original sound – Melissa

Over in the comments, viewers added some other tips to the list, like managing the meals and buying a bottle warmer for peri bottle, so it can be used instantly.

Others chimed in to praise their current hubbies who already showed up in big ways.

“I see these lists and immediately feel so grateful I got a good one!” one mom wrote.

Another added “I am so emotional right now listening to those knowing I got a good one.”

Postpartum is rarely a walk in the park—for either mom or dad. But just like any other challenge, it can be so much easier to navigate through partnership. And it doesn’t hurt to review where you can be a more supportive partner, even if you are already doing a ton of things right. Seeing things simplified into a list just like this one is an easy way to do that.

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Tired of ‘hacks?’ Here are 20 of the best life tips sourced from 21.9 million real people.

Arjun Mahadevan gave the world a gift when he crowdsourced the best “life pro tips” from nearly 22 million people. He shared the top 20 in a Twitter thread that’s got over 619,000 views. Mahadevan sourced the tips from the Life Pro Tips subforum on Reddit, which has been running since 2010.

Mahadevan is the CEO of doolaHQ which he calls the “business-in-a-box” for LLCs.

Mahadevan labeled his advice “20 life tips you wish you knew when you were 20,” but they are helpful for everyone regardless of age. They’re useful for anyone who is in a relationship, has a job or wants to stay sane in an aggravating world.

Many ideas involve reframing how we judge others to see them with more compassion. Mahadevan also has some advice for professionals to prevent them from making embarrassing mistakes or wasting other people’s time.

Sometimes the simplest change in behavior or perspective can drastically affect our lives. Here are Arjun Mahadevan’s 20 life tips you wish you knew when you were 20:

1. “If you’re stuck on an annoying call, put your phone on airplane mode instead of just hanging up. The other person will see ‘call failed’ instead of ‘call ended.'”

2. “When you sign up for anything online, put the website’s name as your middle name. That way when you receive spam/advert emails, you will know who sold your info.”

3. “Always tell a child who is wearing a helmet how cool you think their helmet is. It will encourage them to always wear it in the future.”

4. “When you don’t have all the facts, try to give people the most generous reason you can for their behavior. Annoyingly slow driver? Maybe it’s a mom with a birthday cake in the back. This mindset will gradually make you less reactive and more compassionate.”

5. “Do not try to be the man your father would want you to be. Be the man you would like your son to be. It more clearly defines your own convictions, desires, goals and motivates you to be your best.”

6. “When a friend is upset, ask them one simple question before saying anything else: ‘Do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?'”

7. “After a bad breakup, do 10 things that your ex would never do with you. You’ll feel better and realize how much of yourself was being held back.”

8. “Before you give your child a unique name, try it out first. Use it on food orders, reservations, appointments where applicable, etc. It’ll give you a glimpse of what they’ll deal with when they’re older and could prevent future issues.”

9. “If you need to cancel a hotel reservation but are unable to because of a 24-hour policy, call the company and move your reservation to a later date. Call back within a few days and cancel for no charge.”

10. “If you tell someone you need to talk to them, for the love of God give some indication of what you need to talk about, or at least that it’s not bad news.”

11. “Never send a work email when you’re emotionally compromised. Type it up, save it as a draft, and walk away. Ideally, sleep on it. You’ll make a smarter choice when you’re not heated.”

12. “Don’t just let kids win at games. You can slow it down, you can teach them strategy, but keep it real. Someday, they will beat you fair and square, and it will be a moment they always remember with pride.”

13. “When cooking things on aluminum foil, first scrunch the foil up, then lay it loosely flat again out on your baking tray. The juices will stay put—and the food will not stick to the foil half as much, if at all.”

14. “If you think of a good idea, write it down. Your brain will try to trick you into thinking you will remember it later, but it’s a liar! Therefore: Write it down!”

15. “It takes 4 minutes a day and almost no cost to maintain dental hygiene. It takes a lifetime and a lot of money to correct it. 2-minute brush and mouthwash in the AM, 2-minute brush and floss in the PM.”

16. “Don’t wait until you have ‘time’ to start a fitness program. Because then when you get busy again, you’ll stop. The best time to start is actually when you’re busy. Learning how to fit it in when time’s are tough means you’ll stick with it over the long haul.”

17. “When using text messages or IMs for business, say everything you need to say in the first message. Don’t just say ‘hi’ or ‘hey’ or ‘are you there’ or ‘are you busy.'”

18. “Instead of feeling that you’ve blown the day and thinking, ‘I’ll get back on track tomorrow, think of each day as a set of four quarters:

• Morning• Midday• Afternoon• Evening

If you blow one quarter, you get back on track for the next quarter.”

19. “Many problems in marriage are really just problems with being a bad roommate. Learn how to be a good roommate, and it will solve many of the main issues that plague marriages. This includes communicating about something bothering you before you get too angry.”

20. “Ask yourself ‘what does it matter to me’ the next time you find yourself judging someone for their clothing or hobbies. The more you train yourself to not care about the personal preferences of other people, the more relaxed and nicer you become as a person.”

This article originally on appeared 3.31.23

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Boomer dad plays song to comfort his daughter going through divorce and it’s simply perfect

There’s no shortage of stories out there showing how emotionally distant or out of touch some baby boomers can be. Younger generations are so fed up with it that they have their own catchphrase of frustration, for crying out loud.

The disconnect becomes especially visible in parenting styles. Boomers, who grew up with starkly different views on empathy, trauma and seeking help, have a reputation for being less than ideal support systems for their children when it comes to emotional issues.

But even if they often have a different way of showing it, boomer parents do have love for their children, and many try their best to be a source of comfort in some way when their kid suffers.

Occupational therapist Jacqueline (@jac.rose8) recently shared a lovely example of this by posting a video of her boomer dad helping her through a divorce in the best way he knew how.

Turns out, it was the perfect thing.

“My husband just said he’s divorcing me and my dad came over and I was non-functional in bed,” Jacqueline wrote her video, adding that “…boomer dad didn’t know what to do, so he played his favorite song, the Dua Lipa ‘Rocket Man’ remix 😂”

In the clip, Jacqueline’s dad never really looks at her, but shifts the focus by describing what he imagines while listening to the song and performing the sweetest dad dance ever.


@jac.rose8 #divorcetok #divorcesucks #divorcesupport #divorcesupportforwomen #divorcesupportsquad #supportivedad #disabilitytiktok ♬ original sound – Jacqueline

The heartwarming moment served as a great reminder that words aren’t always necessary.

‘“I am CRYING. This is so precious, he is trying his hardest to be there for you in any capacity. How pure ❤️,” one person wrote.

Another added, “This would instantly make me feel better.”

Even Jacqueline shared in the comments that her dad “didn’t know what to say but he was there and helped me in such a sweet way. He’s the best 🥰”

Proving that he has multiple love languages, Jacqueline later shared that her dad also went out to Home Depot to replace her lightbulbs. Not only that, but her mom also made Jacqueline’s favorite dinner. Maybe boomers are okay after all.

Really, it goes to show that great parents can be found in every generation. Part of what makes them great is knowing that they don’t need to be perfect in order to show up when things are hard. Being there and sharing their love is enough.

This article originally appeared on 6.12.23

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Kristin Juszczyk Is Poised To Change The Game For NFL Women’s Apparel

Taylor Swift Chiefs Jacket
Getty Image/Merle Cooper

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s budding love story has netted big gains for the NFL over the past few months. Her eagerly anticipated appearances at Kansas City Chiefs games (both at home and on the road) helped to broaden the appeal of professional football, introducing the sport to a fandom of girls and young women who may not have felt they were the target audience for a national pastime soaked in beer and testosterone. But while you can certainly put a number on the singer’s influence on the NFL — according to the analytics firm Apex Marketing Group, Swift’s appearances at games have generated $331.5 million in equivalent brand value for the league — Swift’s celebrity has also helped to spur innovation aimed specifically at female fans who’ve been begging for a more stylish way to support their teams for years.

Kristin Juszczyk is the self-taught fashion designer and wife to San Francisco 49ers fullback Kyle Juszczyk who began her fashion influencer journey by crafting the couple’s Halloween costumes. She’s been sewing her own game-day fits for years and helping celebrity friends level up their look with reworked jerseys and vintage tees. As they say, “necessity is the mother of invention.”

“My husband has been playing in the NFL for ten years. After about year six, I started getting bored of wearing the same three t-shirts on rotation. I started playing around with a few ideas that I had and quickly realized that I had a knack for it,” Juszczyk recently told E! News. “It felt incredibly rewarding transforming something that was heading to the donation pile, into something that felt completely new.”

As you surely know, it was a bespoke puffer jacket that Juszczyk created to keep Swift warm during the Chiefs frigid face-off with the Miami Dolphins that put her DIY designs to the forefront of NFL-inspired apparel, building on co-signs from the likes of Simone Biles, Taylor Lautner, Golden State Warriors guard Klay Thompson, and Brittany Mahomes. It also, apparently moved an already-in-the-works licensing deal with the NFL across the finish line.

This new deal, which was announced Tuesday, will allow Juszczyk to officially use team logos in her designs. Theoretically, that means that Juszczyk can begin bringing the spirit of her custom pieces to the masses if she so chooses. While the exact impact of this deal is still being sorted out, at minimum, it means the league is paying attention to the Taylor Swift effect and to an audience that demands to have their tastes for both football and original, IG-worthy apparel respected.