Ever since her abdominal surgery in January, Kate Middleton has been noticeably missing from the public eye, and now, the Royal Family has found itself attempting to thwart increasingly rampant conspiracy theories (and Gone Girl memes) surrounding the Princess of Wales’ whereabouts.
On Thursday, Kensington Palace issued an official statement, and well, it’s probably not going to help quiet people’s suspicions.
“We were very clear from the outset that the Princess of Wales was out until after Easter and Kensington Palace would only be providing updates when something was significant,” a palace representative told the press.
Speculation around Middleton kicked into overdrive this week as Twitter users latched onto the #WhereIsKate hashtag. However, as The Hollywood Reporter notes, Middleton taking a breather until Easter was always the plan following her surgery on January 16:
While there was no public announcement ahead of her surgery, it was made know immediately afterward that the procedure was a success for Princess Catherine, who remained in the hospital to recover for 13 days before heading home to continue on her path to health and a return to royal duties. In the Jan. 17 announcement, palace representatives made a clear statement regarding the plan for the mother of three over the next several weeks, announcing that “based on the current medical advice, she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter.”
Has that information stopped Twitter from having a field day? Of course not. Until people actually see Kate Middleton again, social media is going to be loaded with jokes about botched plastic surgery, appearances at doomed events like the deranged Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow, and Gone Girl memes.
I think Kate Middleton is one of the most boring people on earth, but even I wonder what the fuck is going on after that mysterious “abdominal surgery” she had
My three kids are roughly the same age as Kate Middleton’s so I can say pretty confidently that she is hiding in the bathroom pretending to pee for a really long time.
Uproxx cover star Baby Tate is currently on her victory lap, having just completed her US tour and a Seth Meyers performance following the release of her latest project, the EP Sexploration: The Musical, a funky and high energy mélange of R&B, pop, drum & bass/club, and hip hop influenced jams. She also adapted the project into a musical of sorts for touring purposes. Vocally speaking, Tate is as adept at riding the beat as a rhymer as she is at creating melodic hooks.
Taking Sexploration on the road, Tate hit major markets like LA, New York City, and Atlanta (her longtime hometown, though she moved to LA recently) and is a self-professed Yelper when it comes to keying in on the right local restaurant gems or hotel delivery moves. A non-beef eater, Tate humbly brags about her elite Yelp exploits on tour, gushes over the amazing vegan sushi and veggie-forward cuisine in LA, and reflects on the dishes she misses from back in Atlanta.
In the interview below, we delve into Baby Tate’s eating and snacking habits on the road, get put onto a few LA spots, and an ATL lobster roll that competes with any nationwide. Oh yeah, and we may have to consider trying Kool-Aid pickles because they are definitely a thing on TikTok.
Getty Image
Let’s get right into it. What snacks or food are on your rider?
I have fruit on my rider. I have hummus and pita and that’s actually it… as far as food goes. I have some ginger shots on there and pineapple juice and a bottle of tequila. But not that much food, just fruit, and hummus.
And is that because you prefer not to be full before you perform, because I know you have choreography and stuff like that? Or do you have a big meal afterward or… what’s your regimen when you’re on tour as far as eating and how you plan around your performance?
Yeah, I actually have somewhat of an unhealthy relationship with eating around shows. I don’t eat that much before I perform. I pretty much eat everything after. So I might not even touch the fruit before I even go on. A lot of times it just sits there.
Yeah, because I was watching your Mind Massage on Fuse and you were talking about late-night snacks and eating celery and hummus and stuff like that. So is that more kind of your flow is before you’re just on empty stomach having tea and things like that and then later on you’ll take care of yourself?
Pretty much, because a lot of the outfits that I wear on tour, I like to look snatched, give the body its bodying. So yeah, I pretty much just am on water and tea.
Got it. And so is there a specific tea that you love or have to have before you perform that is good for your vocals?
Yeah, I absolutely love Throat Coat tea. It really is a nice little coat for your throat, keep it warm and toasty. I like to put a lot of Manuka honey in my tea. Yeah, that’s pretty much it for me.
Now when you’re not touring, do you snack or eat differently? Do you favor more sweet or savory snacks? What’s your regular flow?
I’m definitely more of a savory snacker. I used to be a sweet snacker when I was younger, but that caused me to have a lot of cavities, so I don’t eat sweets like that anymore. But I love pistachios. That’s my favorite snack. I love a good pistachio. Pistachio ice cream is my favorite ice cream. I’m just obsessed with anything pistachios. So I love a good nut.
What else? I love a good chip and dip, whether it’s hummus and pita chips or chips and salsa. That’s my type of vibe. Definitely a savory snacker.
Growing up in Atlanta and now living in LA, who has the better food? Are there different things in each place that you like?
I would say that Atlanta probably has better food options. And I’ve only been living in LA for a year, so I can’t say that I know the full culinary landscape of LA. I have a lot more experience with Atlanta’s food. But there are definitely differences.
I think if you’re a vegetarian or vegan, LA has way better options for you than Atlanta will. And don’t get me wrong, because Atlanta does have some very great vegan and vegetarian food. But there are just more options out here as far as eating healthy.
I know a lot of people that come out here from Atlanta, they’re like, “Where are the wings? Where is the fried chicken? Where is this? Where is that?” But I enjoy all different types of cuisines, so I like [to eat] everywhere.
What are a couple of spots in Atlanta and a couple of spots in LA that people should try if they’re visiting either place?
If you’re visiting Atlanta, I would say try BeetleCat, if you like seafood. I find it so sad when people are allergic to seafood because oh my gosh, that’s one of the greatest cuisines that this earth has. But BeetleCat has this really great lobster roll, one of the best.
What else in Atlanta? There are so many restaurants in Atlanta.
I am kind of bougie when it comes to eating in LA. I really like Katana. I am a big fan of Asian food, so I love Katana.
What do you have to get at Katana?
At Katana, I would say definitely try the crispy rice with tuna. That’s one of the best that I’ve had.
Okay, very good. And then going back to touring, when you’re traveling, going through the airports and all that kind of stuff, are there things that you like to have on you, snacks or food-wise when you’re on the go? Is there anything that is part of your travel arrangement?
I travel pretty light. I try to keep my snacking to a minimum because most of the time I’m sitting first class so I have a meal. Or I’ll have the regular nuts and Bischoff cookies on Delta. But if I do ever get a little hungry, I definitely like those… I forget what the brand is called, but it’s like a nut and fruit mix type of cluster thing.
I know what you’re talking about – I think it’s called Sahale. And then when you get to your room, wherever your destination is, is there anything you have to have in the room for later on? Is there anything in the minibar that you tend to indulge in?
If the minibar has Pringles, I’m definitely spending a little cash on Pringles. And sometimes if I’m feeling a little fancy, if they’re feeling a little fancy and they have a chocolate-covered nut, like an almond or something, I’m having that.
And then when you’re in the studio working on music and stuff like that, is there anything that you have to have in the studio that helps you unlock creative energy or feel like you have the gusto to do whatever you need to do?
Yeah, I mean I’ve been working on my album with Justin Tranter over at Facet House over the past year. And pretty much every session I have everybody take a shot of some type of whatever your liquor of choice is to just get everybody’s energy up and ready to go. And also have a little moment of camaraderie between all the writers and producers in the room.
We might have a little lunch break at some point. Justin always has some amazing vegan food options. There’s this vegan sushi place out here called Niku, I think it’s called Niku Naku [Niku Nashi], or something like that. And it is some of the best sushi that I’ve ever had. And it’s really mind-blowing that it’s not fish. So I love it whenever Justin orders that at the studio.
But other than that, it’s just that shot at the beginning and then we get going.
And then staying on that topic, if you could be an ambassador for any food or snack brand, just you get to pick, what would it be?
Probably pistachios. Yep. Wonderful Pistachios. Hit me up y’all.
You said you used to really like sugary snacks, do you have anything that’s a guilty pleasure that you try not to eat that frequently? But when you have it, it’s like, “Oh, this is so good.”
Sour Patch Kids used to be my favorite candy. It’s extremely way too sweet for me to eat now, but I might have one or two.
And then what’s your favorite flavor of Sour Patch?
Definitely the blue one. When they came out with that I was like, “Oh yeah!”
What’s something that some people may find gross that you love to eat or have for a snack?
A lot of people don’t like pickles. I love pickles and I also like flavored pickles. I’ve had Kool-Aid flavored pickles and different sweet pickles.
Wait, what? Wait, wait, wait. Go back for a second. What was the first one you said? Clay-flavored pickles?
What are some of the other flavored pickles that you’ve come across or tried?
There was this pickle brand that I found on TikTok. I forget the name, but they had a whole bunch of different flavors and I just ordered five of them. They had a ranch-flavored pickle. There was a tropical fruit-flavored pickle.
Oh my gosh.
It was great.
You’re blowing my mind a little bit right now. I guess I got to get on TikTok and see what’s going on over there.
Yeah, there are a lot of different flavored pickles. I know they have that spicy pickle with the chamoy. I’ve never tried that, but I feel like I would really enjoy it.
And then on the flip, is there something that people really like or is popular in food or snacks that you’re like, “That is disgusting. I don’t understand why anybody would eat that?”
I’m not super judgy when it comes to food. I think one thing that I just wouldn’t eat is jerky, like beef jerky or anything like that. I think that’s weird. But I know a lot of people really love it. It’s just not my thing.
And is that because you’re more veggie-forward or just the thought of it is just not appetizing to you?
Both. I grew up not eating meat so I don’t even eat beef at all. But it’s just a weird thought to me just eating dried meat.
Dehydrated fruits and vegetables have become a really big snack category where you can’t really go anywhere without seeing them. Even in bodegas and stuff in New York City, they sell that type of stuff now. Is that something that you’re into as far as the dehydrated and dried stuff? What are some of your favorites?
Yeah, I mean I love a good dehydrated mango. Those are great.
Those are really good.
Also, I don’t know if this counts, but I’m a really big fan of Craisins. So yeah, I love a good dehydrated fruit.
And what about the veggies? Have you tried any of those?
I haven’t. I normally like my veggies to be either raw or cooked. I don’t know if this is necessarily healthy, but it’s something that I really like, wasabi peas. If you like spicy stuff, maybe instead of eating Hot Cheetos, you can try a wasabi pea. Those are really good. What else? I love a good granola bar. You can never go wrong. They have a lot of great flavors. Trying to look at my cabinets right now see what snacks I have.
And also you were talking about cherries in another interview and berries and stuff like that. Are those your favorite fruits? What are some of your favorite fruits to snack on?
I do love snacking on berries. I love cherries so much. I have had to stop buying berries because a lot of times I let them go to waste because there’s so much of them and I’m only one person and I’m not just going to sit and eat a whole thing of blackberries in one sitting, just kind of OD on them.
They go bad quickly too, which is frustrating.
Yeah, they do. So I recommend if you do want to snack on berries, just get one variation at a time. I will buy raspberries and blueberries and blackberries and strawberries and then all of them go bad because I only had one handful of each.
Speaking of combining fruits and stuff, are there any snacks that you combine together that maybe weren’t meant to go together but you really like as a combination?
Interesting. I don’t think I have any mixtures like that. I think the only one is one that my friend showed me. It’s like Hot Cheetos and Smartfood Popcorn. That’s a pretty good combo.
Those are cousins though.
Yes. Normal combo.
One of your songs on your new project is Lollipop. What are some of your favorite lollipops? I know it was probably metaphorical and there’s probably deeper meaning there, but let’s take it literally. What are some of your favorite lollipops?
I love a good Blow Pop. You can never go wrong with a classic. I so really do enjoy Dum-Dums because they’re like short and sweet and you can bite them and not break your teeth off.
So favorite flavor, Blow Pop? Favorite flavor Dum-Dums?
Favorite flavor Blow Pop is definitely, I think they have a strawberry kiwi one. I might be making that up. I feel like the color is pink and green though. Whatever it is, it might be watermelon – whichever one is pink and…. It’s watermelon, yeah. Watermelon Blow Pops, my favorite. And the Dum-Dums, there’s one that’s clear looking. I think it might be pineapple. That’s my favorite.
Traveling around going on tour, I know you were just in New York. I’m sure you’ve been to a lot of other places. What are some places that you’ve traveled that you were really surprised about how good the food was? Or you tried something local that you really liked. Are there any spots that you would recommend others to try out in those places? I know that’s pretty general, but maybe we could start with New York and maybe pick one other city that you really were like, “Oh wow, the food here is really good”?
I don’t think I’m ever surprised by places having good food. I am a Yelp warrior, so I will always find good food wherever I am. I could be in literally the middle of nowhere and I will find somewhere good to eat. But the last time I was in New York, there was this nice restaurant I went to. I do not remember the name of it. It was Spanish food. It wasn’t Mexican, but it was Spanish from Spain.
Yeah, tapas and stuff. It was really good. And just a random part of New York, a really small restaurant. But yeah, I don’t remember the name.
Anywhere else that sticks out through your travels where you’re like, “When I go back there I must go to…” Whatever. Or do you just have so much good food that it’s hard to remember?
Honestly? Yeah, it’s so hard to remember because everywhere I go there’s a good restaurant. I’m picking a good restaurant regardless. I know in Boston there was this one seafood spot that we went to after one of my shows and we had this huge seafood tower and it was religious. I don’t remember what it was called though. It was like a man’s name [we’re guessing Eddie V’s, which is a premium national chain].
Okay. Is there anything else that you want to share about your music that’s out or what you have coming up before we jump off?
I have new music coming. I’m working on my album that’s going to be coming out this year. So yeah, I look forward to that.
House of the Dragon was a slam-popularity dunk, to the point where a building full of NYC Game of Thronesobsessives went viral for everyone watching those fire breathers light up at the same time. Thus proving that event TV can still exist, even in the streaming era, HBO quickly greenlit a second HotD season, and less than two years after the show’s debut, it’s coming your way soon.
This success also began to open doors for other George R.R. Martin-penned source material, and indeed, Westeros will receive plenty more airtime. HotD will likely run for four seasons, and an Aegon the Conqueror series is in planning stages. Additionally, production has begun for a HotD sequel/GoT prequel formerly known as A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight. Let’s get down to business on everything that’s rolled out so far on the show.
As viewers are aware, House of the Dragon‘s events take place around 300 years before A Song of Fire and Ice begins. And in between that time (about 100 years prior to ASOFAI), George R.R. Martin’s affectionately-known “Dunk and Egg” novellas fill in some gaps when the Targaryens are still kind-of hanging onto power, and dragons are essentially extinct, although we know what happens when Daenerys hangs out in that funeral pyre fire.
GRRM’s A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms trilogy of novellas include not only The Hedge Knight but also The Sworn Sword and The Mystery Knight. At this point, The Hedge Knight remains a working title for the series, which takes place when Westeros was celebrating the chivalry of knights. Somehow, that existed as a principle after Ser Criston Cole’s saltiness over Rhaenyra declining to run away with him led him to embrace Incel territory. As well, this show takes place long after the more noble knights, Erryk and Arryk Cargyll, chose their respective sides during the Dance of the Dragons.
The official HBO description of this spinoff is as follows:
A century before the events of Game of Thrones, two unlikely heroes wandered Westeros … a young, naïve but courageous knight, Ser Duncan the Tall, and his diminutive squire, Egg. Set in an age when the Targaryen line still holds the Iron Throne and the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from living memory, great destinies, powerful foes and dangerous exploits all await these improbable and incomparable friends.
Now, what of this “Egg”? Well, that’s an alias, of course. Not even in Westeros is anyone truly of that name.
His true identity is fairly well known to GRRM readers and some TV viewers, but if you don’t want to know, then do not read further….
Last warning.
Egg is the cloaked identity of Aegon V Targaryen, a successor of Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon II, who recently claimed the Iron Throne at the end of House of the Dragon‘s first season. He’s also a predecessor to Jon Snow, also an Aegon Targaryen. As far as Aegon V goes, we get to know him while he serves as Ser Duncan the Tall’s squire. He was quite adamant about scoring that gig, too, which should be a joy to watch. These two are not exactly Tyrion Lannister and Podrick Payne but are substantial enough to serve as the central focus of a series.
GRRM has also been busy building other Westeros-fueled ideas for HBO’s pipeline. The author recently revealed that the planned Sea Snake show has moved to animated format, and a Nyemeria series is still being developed. No one knows what is up with the supposed Jon Snow show, but that’s alright because Jon/Aegon VI also apparently knows nothing. Two additional animated series are in the works, too.
HBO hasn’t yet publicized who will be portraying Ser Duncan the Tall, but obviously, he must be physically imposing. Several well-known actors fit the bill, including Alan Ritchson, who is far too busy pumping out Reacher for Amazon. Chris Hemsworth would be a fine addition, although he is arguably too well-known at this point, and it’s hard to see him being able to break away from his long string of movies for a series that will span a trilogy of books and possibly longer. The same goes for Henry Cavill, who has been freed up from The Witcher but has been doing movies and is firing up Warhammer 40,000 projects for Amazon.
Where does that leave Ser Duncan? In the books, he’s nearly seven feet tall, which is a hard bill to completely fill, but that’s what Hollywood magic is for, and Tom Hopper is already familiar with those mechanisms to portray The Umbrella Academy‘s Luther (with his body being filled out to new dimensions by a half-gorilla suit underneath those snug clothes). That Netflix series already finished production on its final season, so look who is available to fill that lead role? Hopefully, HBO has him on the list.
Release Date
HBO has earmarked this series for a 2025 release, which is a rather incredible turnaround time, and this also means that Westeros obsessives will have a show to fill that gap between the second and third season of House of the Dragon. Also, this series has already received a full-season first order, rather than simply a pilot like the failed Bloodmoon.
Obviously, no trailer exists yet, but this clip from a 2019 George R.R. Martin interview reveals how he conceived Dunk and Egg.
Move over Mission Impossible. If anyone needed even more confirmation that pop stars saved movie theaters in 2023, AMC Theaters revealed just how thankful they were for Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour and Beyoncé’s Renaissance Tour being released as films through unique deals with their chain.
“What is particularly noteworthy is how much AMC benefited from our trailblazing industry leading efforts with our highly successful distribution of two concert movies Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour and Renaissance: A Film By Beyoncé,” AMC’s CEO Adam Aron shared with Deadline. He also noted, “Literally, all of that increase in AMC’s Revenue and EBITDA is attributable to our having shown these two movies in our theatres in the U.S. and internationally.”
By their two movies alone, their fourth-quarter earnings rose by 11%, providing the theater company with $1.1 billion in revenue. This was way higher than what Wall Street had apparently initially projected for AMC.
“This is a stunning result given that neither of these films were on anyone’s drawing board until mid-year, and that they were the first movies ever distributed by AMC in our entire 103-year history,” Aron said.
“To that end, our praise for Taylor Swift and Beyoncé Knowles Carter has no limit, and we offer our boundless thanks to these two world class artists for entrusting AMC to collaborate with them as to the theatrical exhibition of their two masterpiece creations,” he added.
Odenkirk stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live to promote his next big project: Nothing To Promote. The “trailer” features a brilliant look at what it’s like to be an actor with nothing to promote. While it might seem like Odenkirk is campaigning for an Oscar, the real emotion comes from Roomba, who carries the film. The two have worked together before.
The movie promises everything: intense father-son dynamics, typewriter sounds, and Odenkirk snorting a line of parmesan:
Odenkirk might not have anything to promote, but he is literally begging to lead an action movie, so someone better cast him before someone else ropes him back into another Breaking Bad reunion. He did take the time on Kimmel apologize for his horrific language, though. “Hello, America. The other night at the SAG Awards, as part of a great reunion of the Breaking Bad cast, I, Bob Odenkirk, besmirched the evening’s abundant pleasantries by saying ‘the F,’” Odenkirk recited as sad music played behind him. “I implore your ears to forget what they heard my mouth say, and I only hope that no other person ever again utters that word ever. Don’t go down the dark road I’ve gone down.”
If ever there were a time for someone to rest on laurels, it would be after a gigantic statue in your image was erected in your hometown. And if that sounds like a strangely specific hypothetical, it’s because that exact scenario played out for Shakira in December when a 21-foot bronze statue of Shakira was unveiled in her hometown of Barranquilla, Colombia. However, instead of retiring, Shakira announced Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran, her 12th studio album and first album since 2017. The LP is due out on March 22.
“My new album, coming out March 22, is one I created together with all of you, my pack of shewolves who were there for me every step of the way,” Shakira captioned an Instagram announcement on February 15. “Making this body of work has been an alchemical process. While writing each song, I was rebuilding myself. While singing them, my tears transformed into diamonds and my vulnerability into strength.”
This morning, February 29, Shakira unveiled the full Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran tracklist, including the 2023 single “Acróstico” featuring her sons, Milan and Sasha. Check it out below.
Shakira’s Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran Album Cover Artwork
Sony Music Latin
Shakira’s Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran Tracklist
1. “Puntería” Feat. Cardi B
2. ”La Fuerte” Feat. Bizarrap
3. ”Tiempo Sin Verte”
4. ”Cohete” Feat. Rauw Alejandro
5. ”(Entre Paréntesis)” Feat. Grupo Frontera
6. ”Cómo Dónde y Cuándo”
7. ”Nassau”
8. “Última”
9. ”Te Felicito” Feat. Rauw Alejandro
10. ”Monotonía” Feat. Ozuna
11. ”Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53”
12. ”TQG” Feat. Karol G
13. ”Acróstico” Feat. Milan and Sasha
14. “Copa Vacía” Feat. Manuel Turizo
15. “El Jefe” Feat. Fuerza Regida
16. ”Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 53″ (Tiësto Remix)
17. “Punteria” (Vinyl Version)
Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran is out 3/22 via Sony Music Latin. Find more information here.
Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
Perhaps you thought that the Scandoval drama would die down once the world found something better to focus on, but there is nothing like a good old-fashioned lawsuit to reel you back in!
On the heels of Tom Sandoval comparing himself to O.J. Simpson, he and ex Ariana Madix are now being sued by Raquel/Rachel Leviss, his former Vanderpump Rules co-star, for revenge porn, eavesdropping, and invasion of privacy. In the lawsuit, Leviss claims that Sandoval “recorded sexually explicit videos of her without her knowledge or consent which were then distributed, disseminated, and discussed publicly by a scorned woman seeking vengeance,” referring to Madix.
The affair reportedly came to light last spring when Madix found suggestive videos on Sandoval’s phone, which were then allegedly distributed. Leviss is asking for the video to be destroyed, which would fall on MGM’s Evolution Media.
The 19-page complaint continues:
To make matters worse, Leviss was misled by Bravo and Evolution into believing that she was contractually barred from speaking out about her mistreatment. As a result, she suffered in silence as Bravo and Evolution watched viewership explode, and the rest of the cast enjoyed unseen levels of public recognition and professional opportunity. Meanwhile, Leviss, who was humiliated and villainized for public consumption, remains a shell of her former self, with her career prospects stunted and her reputation in tatters.
This isn’t the first time Leviss has mentioned the invasion of privacy, which was brought up on fellow Bravolebrity Bethenny Frankel‘s podcast last summer. At the time, Leviss sent an “immediate cease and desist letter” to stop the video from being shared, but “some of Ariana’s friends have described the video in great detail online,” she said. “And she also sent it to me, so I don’t know who else she sent it to. I wouldn’t be surprised if she sent it to other people, but it’s not legal.” Leviss is seeking unspecified damages from her former friends Sandoval and Madix, who are already in a tough legal battle over their house.
Season 11 of Vanderpump Rules is currently airing and has been following the cast as they grapple with the fallout of the affair. Leviss is not currently appearing in this season, but she sure has a lot to say on her podcast. Sandoval will surely have some sort of absurd response.
It seems that the Golden Age of Marvel films has come and gone, and now that Marvel has even admitted they had gone a little overboard with the content lately, MCU actors haven’t been shy about expressing their frustration with the way things have gone downhill over the years.
Ray Winstone, who appeared in 2021’s Black Widow, reflected on his MCU experience and had some choice words for the overall ordeal. “It was fine until you have to do the reshoots,” he told Radio Times. “Then you find out that a few producers have come down, and your performance is too much, it’s too strong… That’s the way Marvel works. It can be soul-destroying because you feel like you’re doing great work,” he admitted. The great work of the MCU is often overlooked.
Winstone, who has appeared in legendary films like Point Break, The Departed, and Cats, even considered quitting the film before his reshoots, but that would be an even bigger headache. “I actually said, ‘You ought to recast it because that was it for me.’ And you end up doing it again because you’re contracted to do it. Otherwise you end up in court,” he said, adding, “It’s like being kicked in the balls.”
Even after all of that, Scarlett Johansson ended up in a heated legal battle anyway, so maybe Winstone is lucky that a little kick in the balls was all he got.
While Warner Bros. hasn’t publicly confirmed that Coyote Vs. Acme has been deleted, a recent earning calls revealed that the studio took a $115 million write-down that is believed to include the Looney Tunes film. The studio has faced intense public and industry-wide backlash for its handling of Coyote Vs. Acme and it’s reportedly disingenuous attempts to shop the film to other studios, so it behooves Warner Bros. to never speak of the movie again.
In a passionate, and at times fiery, open letter to the cast and crew of Coyote Vs. Acme, Forte confirmed that the movie will be deleted and he made it clear that he “f**king hates” that it’s happening. However, the comedic actor also made it a point to sing the praises of the Looney Tunes film and all of the hard work that went into it.
According to Forte, the movie was “incredible” and “something so special,” leaving him confused and frustrated over its fate.
You can read Forte’s statement in its entirety below:
To the Cast and Crew of Coyote Vs. Acme —
I know that a lot of you haven’t gotten a chance to see our movie. And sadly, it’s looking like you never will.
When I first heard that our movie was getting “deleted,” I hadn’t seen it yet. So I was thinking what everyone else must have been thinking: this thing must be a hunk of junk.
But then I saw it.
And it’s incredible.
Super funny throughout, visually stunning, sweet, sincere, and emotionally resonant in a very earned way. As the credits rolled, I just sat there thinking how lucky I was to be a part of something so special. That quickly turned to confusion and frustration. This was the movie they’re not going to release?
Look, when it comes to Hollywood business stuff, I don’t know shit about shit. Even when a movie tests very well (like ours), there’s no guarantee that it’s going to be a hit. And at the end of the day, the people who paid for this movie can obviously do whatever they want with it. It doesn’t mean I have to like it (I f**king hate it). Or agree with it. And it doesn’t mean that this movie is anything less than magnificent.
You would be so proud of it — a movie that should be seen, but won’t. Please know that all the years and years of hard work, dedication and love that you put into this movie shows in every frame.
But one familial bond no one could expect was recently revealed by Memphis upstart GloRilla, who noted during a recent interview that she’s related to another rapper despite being from over 1,000 miles away in Philadelphia. Appearing on the Bottoms Up With Fannita podcast, Glo was asked whether she’d collaborate with Lil Uzi Vert, and instead of answering outright, she noted, “That’s my cousin,” to the surprise and delight of the show’s host, Fannita Leggett. Undeterred, Leggett wondered why the two hadn’t collaborated yet since they have an existing connection, and Glo cagily replied, “We actually workin’ on it… we just gotta get it together.” Fans will undoubtedly be waiting for that if only to hear how the two divergent rappers’ flows will mesh.
GloRilla says she has a song in the works with her cousin Lil Uzi Vert Y’all here for it? pic.twitter.com/c1heJmX52F
You can check out GloRilla’s full Bottoms Up interview up top.
Lil Uzi Vert is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
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