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E. Jean Carroll Puts Trump On Notice: He Has ‘One Week’ To Fork Over $83.3 Million

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E. Jean Carroll is making it clear that Donald Trump needs to pay up, and he needs to pay up soon. Carroll won a massive $83.3 million judgment against the former president after he was found liable for sexually assaulting Carroll and repeatedly defaming her.

“Trump has one week to pay,” Carroll tweeted on Friday morning amid reports that Trump is struggling to come up with the cash to cover the judgement, which is becoming a recurring theme lately.

Along with her ominous warning, Carroll shared an article on Trump’s attempts to delay payment by essentially asking the court to “trust me, bro.” In a legal filing arguing against the delay, Carroll’s lawyers also took aim at Trump’s public persona as a wealthy billionaire. For a guy who’s supposedly super rich, how does he not have any money?

Via Forbes:

Carroll’s attorneys argued in a court filing Thursday that Trump is asking the court to “simply trust that he’s very rich” and therefore doesn’t need to post a bond guaranteeing he’ll pay the money, while they have “very serious concerns about Trump’s cash position” and the “feasibility” of him paying what he owes.

Trump has separately been ordered to pay $454 million—and counting—in the civil fraud case against him and his company, and Carroll’s attorneys pointed to that judgment, the criminal cases against Trump and the ex-president’s lack of transparency around his finances as suggesting there “is absolutely no reason to believe that Trump has so much readily collectible cash on hand.”

According to Forbes, the court could force Trump to pay up as early as next week. As for whether that will require the former president to sell off assets remains to be seen.

(Via E. Jean Carroll on Twitter, Forbes)