This time last year Scott Adams, aka the guy who does Dilbert, wasn’t doing so hot. Perhaps attempting to seize the title of “world’s most divorced man” from Elon Musk, the cartoonist went on a leftfield rant advising white people to “get the hell away from Black people.” As a result his comic strip was yanked from scores of papers nationwide, his career effectively torched. Did this convince him to tone it down a hair? Of course not. In January he dropped some kooky ideas about how the border crisis can really be blamed on sperm. Now his bozo thoughts on election integrity have gotten him thoroughly and patiently schooled.
Hi Scott!
Big fan of your work (minus the racist stuff of course).
No election is perfect. And no election administrator would ever claim a perfect election.
But U.S. elections are actually designed to auditable; they must be reconciled; and they must be tested.
For example,…
— Stephen Richer—MaricopaCountyRecorder (prsnl acct) (@stephen_richer) March 4, 2024
Per Raw Story, it all started when Adams decided to randomly write about the last presidential race. “We can disagree on whether there is proof the 2020 election was rigged,” he said. “But can we all agree our election systems are not fully auditable and lots of stuff goes ‘missing’ the day after the election? Our system is not designed for us to know it worked or did not work. That’s not an accident.”
But what if the Dilbert guy has no idea what he’s talking about? That’s basically what Stephen Richter, a County Recorder for Maricopa, Arizona (and a Republican), suggested when he chimed in with a lengthy tutorial on what he was getting wrong, which was a lot.
“Hi Scott! Big fan of your work (minus the racist stuff of course),” Richter wrote. “No election is perfect. And no election administrator would ever claim a perfect election. But U.S. elections are actually designed to be auditable; they must be reconciled; and they must be tested.”
Richter went on to explain — at great length, in a tweet/post that ran over 600 words (and who knows how many characters) — how elections are carried out in the U.S. versus how they’re done elsewhere.
“For example, while some countries allow digital voting (e.g. Brazil) or even internet voting (e.g. Estonia), the vast, vast majority of U.S. jurisdictions (93%) use paper ballots,” Richter explained. “This can put to rest any allegation of hacking. This can put to rest any allegation of “vote switching.” This means there is an auditable paper trail that can be tested after the election.”
Richter also reminded Scott that there were many, many times people contested the results of the 2020 election, and how each were handled accordingly (and reiterated that Joe Biden absolutely defeated Donald Trump).
“I’m sure you’re aware that were many, many legal challenges to the November 2020 election — close to 100 by my last count,” he explained. “Many of these afforded evidentiary hearings. For a summary, see this report: https://lostnotstolen.org. For anyone claiming significant error or fraud in the 2020 election, that person would have to explain why the courts got it wrong, every single time. Or why plaintiffs consistently demurred when asked for evidence in court.”
As for the whole idea that who won the 2020 presidential race is up for debate? Richter had a good line for that one:
So while I suppose, “we can disagree on whether there is proof the 2020 election was rigged,” that’s like saying we can disagree that the Rangers beat the Diamondbacks in the last World Series. Sadly, the Rangers won.
Adams did respond to Richter, though he admitted he stopped reading in the middle of the first long paragraph. He wondered why voting machines exist when there are paper ballots. He then declared “Checkmate.”
But Richter responded to him anyway, explaining — again, patiently ‚— that machines help tabulate votes faster than by hand, though there’s usually a hand-count afterwards to ensure accuracy.
Depends what you mean by voting machines.
Do you mean machines where you actually digitally vote (e.g. Brazil)?
Or do you mean machines that just tabulate the ovals that are marked by hand?
The latter are used in almost every jurisdiction — jut like with the standardized…
— Stephen Richer—MaricopaCountyRecorder (prsnl acct) (@stephen_richer) March 4, 2024
Surely Adams has some other tinfoil thoughts he’d still has yet to share with the world. And surely we’ll see some of those at some point, because the Dilbert guy has a lot of free time these days.
(Via Raw Story)