Donald Trump has been crushing both the polls and the GOP primaries, but is his re-election all but assured? Not exactly. There are some worrying signs that not everyone in the party is cool with electing someone who’s, say, threatened to be a “dictator.” A large chunk of voters in South Carolina chose Nikki Haley, Trump’s last rival standing, over him. Meanwhile one former Trump supporter sounded an awful lot like a member of the resistance when asked about him.
Reporter: What made you switch from Trump to Nikki Haley?
Voter: The man is a lunatic. I think he’s terrible for the country pic.twitter.com/mKEEWLn5Kh
— Acyn (@Acyn) March 5, 2024
Per Mediaite, NBC News’ Shaq Brewster caught up with some North Carolina voters on Super Tuesday, one of whom did not hold back when asked why she switched.
“The man is a lunatic,” the woman said. “And I think he’s terrible for the country.”
When asked to explain why she thinks that, she replied, “Just that he lies, he cheats. He bankrupted millions of businesses and people. And I don’t see anything good about him.”
So what will she do if Trump is the Republican nominee, again, which he almost certainly is going to be. When asked if she’ll vote for Joe Biden instead, she said, “No.”
When asked what she’ll do then, the woman said, “I don’t know.”
Brewster also spoke with a man who’s decamped for Haley. “One, I think she would do a very good job,” he said when asked why he jumped ship. “And, two, I think Donald Trump is a threat to the well-being of our country.”
Neither comments were as nearly as over-the-top as the ones given by an 80-year-old Michigan woman last week, who went viral after calling the former president “pretty much an asshole, to coin a phrase.”
Trump, meanwhile, has really let the polls and primary wins get to his head, which seem to have made him think he’s more popular than he is — so popular that he claims “82 percent” of the country thinks the 2020 election was rigged. Which, you know, not even close.
(Via Mediaite)