You’ve probably encountered this problem before: you are home for some holiday or event and you forgot your toothbrush. Luckily, your parents have a nice backstock of every toiletry you could ever need, including those top-tier Kleenex tissues you can’t afford. It’s a common problem! For Clara McGregor, daughter of Ewan McGregor, that problem became personal.
McGregor posted an Instagram Reel showing off a toothbrush she used at her parent’s house, but it wasn’t your typical Oral B Soft Bristle Brush. It was an official Obi-Wan toothbrush complete with various Star Wars phrases (“Goodbye old friend” and “Maye the force be with you”) and a lightsaber. The kind of thing you dreamed of in 2002!
Clara captioned the video with a warning: “Note to self: Don’t rely on your parents to have extra toothbrushes at home.”
Clara and Ewan are starring alongside each other in Bleeding Love, which follows Ewan as The Father who is tasked with bringing his estranged daughter to rehab. The movie is expected to land on streaming later this year.
Unfortunately, the Obi-Wan toothbrush is sold out, but if you are interested in dabbling with the dark side, there’s a Darth Vader one available for only $6.99. Snag a few to leave at your parent’s house!