Texas Representative Ronny Jackson has reportedly been misrepresenting his rank as a U.S. naval officer. At the time of this writing, Jackson’s congressional website claims he “retired from the United States Navy as a Rear Admiral.” However, Jackson was apparently quietly demoted to captain after an investigation into his behavior as the White House physician for Donald Trump.
For years, Trump officials have attempted to bat down claims that Jackson was the White House “Candyman” who routinely doled out drugs to staffers like your favorite drunk neighbor hands out treats at Halloween. According to a new Rolling Stone report, Trump’s White House was allegedly awash with speed and Xanax because of Jackson. However, his misbehavior didn’t stop there.
According to The Washington Post, a 2021 inspector general report led to Jackson’s demotion after detailing “substantiated allegations” about his conduct in Trump’s White House:
A Navy official confirmed that the service took unspecified action against Jackson in the wake of the 2021 inspector general’s report, which found that Jackson berated subordinates in the White House medical unit, “made sexual and denigrating statements” about a female subordinate, consumed alcohol inappropriately with subordinates and consumed the sleep drug Ambien while on duty as the president’s physician. At the time of the report, Jackson was classified by the Navy as a rear admiral (lower half), a one-star admiral that is distinct from the two-star rear admiral position.
Mediaite reports that Jackson mentioned the inspector general investigation in his July 2022 memoir, but conveniently left out the part where he was demoted from rear admiral to captain.
And, yes, Jackson is the same physician who routinely touted Trump’s incredible health and claimed the former president “could live to 200” if he ate better. Clearly, a trustworthy source if there ever was one.
(Via The Washington Post)