It’s not uncommon to change your mind about things once you receive more information. For instance, Dakota Johnson seemed really hyped to be in a Marvel movie but then changed her tune once she realized it was not going to be anything like those MCU sequels, and subsequently dragged her own film. It happens! Similarly, in 2022, when Pierce Brosnan was asked who should be the next James Bond, he bluntly replied, “I don’t care.” And who would we be to argue with that?
But now that Brosnan, like the rest of the world, has been under Cillian Murphy‘s enchanting and somewhat haunting spell, he has changed his mind. “Cillian would do a magnificent job as James Bond on His Majesty’s Secret Service,” Brosnan told The BBC at the Oscar Wilde Awards. Not to be confused with The Oscars. That’s different.
Murphy was also in attendance, and while his name might be at the top of the list, he doesn’t seem that invested. People reports that Murphy claimed he is “a bit old” for a Bond role, as he is about to turn 48. The Bond Bosses are hoping to find a “thirty-something” for the role to ensure at least another decade of Bond films. Meanwhile, Daniel Craig could care less.
On the other hand, there is already one soft-spoken 30-something who has been eager to throw his name into the mix, the people just need to start paying attention!
(Via EW)