You know how sometimes, when you’re scrolling the internet and you see an absurd headline, you go “there is no way this is what I think it is,” and then you click on it, and you read whatever the piece is, and it turns out your initial hunch was correct? That a headline was written in such a way that it is specifically designed to make a person look bad, when really, the context isn’t nearly as bad as you might think?
Well guess what, folks: This is not one of those times. The fine folks over at FanSided posted a clip to TikTok in which they asked a whole bunch of folks from the world of football a very simple question: “What’s the most realistic sports movie of all time and why?” Remember the Titans popped up a few times, as did Friday Night Lights. But Jerry Jones, for some reason, decided to go with Field of Dreams, which you probably guessed from the headline, but I swear to God, I am not lying. Here is the visual proof.
@fansided The most realistic sports movie of all time was…? #fyp #nfl #nflhonors #football #sports #sportsmovie #sportsmovies #rememberthetitans #cowboys #dallascowboys
Fortunately, I do not have to explain the plot to Field of Dreams because John Mulaney did that at the Oscars on Sunday night, but it is a movie that involves ghosts in a cornfield playing baseball. It is an outstanding movie, don’t get me wrong, but outside of the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, I do not think I have ever seen someone refer to it as realistic. Anyway, if we can get this across the desk of Stephen A. Smith immediately so he can react to it, I would really appreciate it.