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Al Pacino Says It’s Not His Fault His Oscars Best Picture Announcement Was A Bit Awkward

Al Pacino Oscars
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This year’s Oscars had some big surprises: shock wins, a Field of Dreams rant, a Trump cameo, some nudity, a dog. It also concluded with some Al Pacino action. The legendary actor was there to present the final award, for Best Picture. It was a touch awkward, in part because they skipped the traditional part where they run down the list of nominees, reminding viewers about what’s up for the big prize. But Pacino is insisting that wasn’t his fault.

Per The Hollywood Reporter, the “Dunkaccino” guy released a statement the morning after in which he put blame for that omission elsewhere.

“There seems to be some controversy about my not mentioning every film by name last night before announcing the best picture award,” Pacino said. “I just want to be clear it was not my intention to omit them, rather a choice by the producers not to have them said again since they were highlighted individually throughout the ceremony. I was honored to be a part of the evening and chose to follow the way they wished for this award to be presented.

“I realize being nominated is a huge milestone in one’s life and to not be fully recognized is offensive and hurtful,” Pacino added. “I say this as someone who profoundly relates with filmmakers, actors and producers so I deeply empathize with those who have been slighted by this oversight, and it’s why I felt it necessary to make this statement.”

During his presentation, Pacino wasn’t exactly one for Bruce Villanch-y quips. “Ten wonderful films were nominated, but only one will take the award for best picture,” he said, plainly. He then walked the crowd through his modest task. “I have to go to the envelope for that, and I will,” he said, followed by, “Here it comes.” Pacino then skipped the whole “And the Oscars goes to…” business, instead saying, so quiet it hardly felt momentous, “And my eyes see Oppenheimer. Yes. Yes.”

But hey, Pacino can do whatever he wants. He’s Al Pacino. For another, it aided in creating one of the shorter Oscars in ages, running “only” about an hour and 15. Those watching on the East Coast even got to get a good night’s sleep, while those out west got to hit up In-N-Out before their party.

(Via THR)