Sharon Stone revealed in her memoir that a Hollywood producer pressured her into having sex with a male co-star. “[I] had a producer bring me to his office, where he had malted milk balls in a little milk-carton-type container under his arm with the spout open,” the actress wrote in 2021’s The Beauty of Living Twice. “He walked back and forth in his office with the balls falling out of the spout and rolling all over the wood floor as he explained to me why I should f*ck my co-star so that we could have on-screen chemistry.”
Stone didn’t reveal the identity of anyone involved then, but she has now. The producer was Robert Evans, the actor was Billy Baldwin, and the movie was 1993’s Sliver, her follow-up film to Basic Instinct.
“They expected me to bring home another giant smash hit and they gave me casting approval and they gave me all these approvals, but then when it came time for me to do it they told me it was a vanity deal and I couldn’t have my approvals,” she said on The Louis Theroux Podcast podcast, according to the Daily Mail. “Then they started to try to blame me for their mistakes, and they made terrible mistakes in the way that they hired directors and cast.”
One day, Evans (who also produced The Godfather, Rosemary’s Baby, and Chinatown, three slightly more memorable movies) called Stone into his office and explained to her that “he slept with Ava Gardner and I should sleep with Billy Baldwin, because if I slept with Billy Baldwin, Billy Baldwin’s performance would get better,” she said. “And we needed Billy to get better in the movie because that was the problem. And if I could sleep with Billy then we’d have chemistry on screen, and if I would just have sex with him then that would save the movie, and the real problem with the movie was me because I was so uptight, and so not like a real actress who could just f*ck him and get things back on track. The real problem was I was such a tight arse.”
Stone added, “Now all of a sudden, I’m in the “I have to f*ck people” business.”
You can listen to the podcast below.
I can’t pretend I’m not excited to play host to movie royalty on this episode of #TheLouisTherouxPodcast, with Sharon Stone joining remotely from her home in Los Angeles for a free-ranging and utterly uncensored chat. Please join us to hear Sharon’s blisteringly honest takes on… pic.twitter.com/5Yt4lLyycp
— Louis Theroux (@louistheroux) March 12, 2024
(Via the Daily Mail)