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Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Hosting A Summit To ‘Investigate The Black Market Of Baby Organ Harvesting,’ And People Have Thoughts

Marjorie Taylor Greene
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Last week, Marjorie Taylor Greene flew off the handle after a British journalist asked the Georgia congresswoman about her infamous “Jewish space lasers” remarks. How dare anyone suggest Marge isn’t a serious politician tackling serious issues like… baby organ harvesting?

According to a posting on her official Twitter account, Greene is leading a hearing that will investigate the “black market of baby organ harvesting.” The special hearing will reportedly include testimony from anti-abortion activists David Daleiden and Terrisa Bukovinac, which is raising whatever eyebrows survived “baby organ harvesting.”

Via Raw Story:

Daleiden is an anti-abortion activist ordered to pay $2 million in damages to Planned Parenthood over accusations of conspiracy and eavesdropping, according to a Reuters report from October.

Bukovinac is an anti-abortion activist who appears in a 2022 feature from New York Magazine about Lauren Handy, a fellow activist who reportedly stored baby fetuses in her refrigerator until they were removed by police.

As Raw Story notes, Greene hasn’t provided details on the hearing, but it will most likely dabble in the unfounded and debunked conspiracy theories that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue for profit.

In the meantime, social media is having a field day with Greene’s weirdo announcement. Most notably, the odd choice to include a smiling photo of the congresswoman while tackling the extremely dark subject of harvesting baby organs. Greene is oddly bubbly for a congressional hearing on dead babies.

You can see some of the reactions below:

(Via Raw Story)